Large Scale Central

Amtrak thumps down

July 27, departure time 11.30 pm SLC-- San Francisco

6hrs before departure i got an e-mail aprox 3 hrs delay?? Up on calling we been told somewhere close to CO border the Amtrak hit some farm equipment ,might be a longer delay because of trains right off way in front of our “AMTRAK” Bummer,we love trains and looked forward to the 19 hr train ride ! Anonymously we decided to cancel the ride(and the follow up stay and bookings various cruises ) All the money got refunded Sorry CAL no Tourist Dollars this time,the good news:throwing everything in the truck and 6-1/2 hrs later Las Vegas gladly accepted our money!

Question: Did the train thing miss out, Amtrak did,yes, but having some $ saved from the shows (Circe de solail" KA) and slot machines some of the money will go towards …
