This coming weekend January 27 and 28 is the Big Railroad and Hobby Show at
the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds in West Springfield, Mass. This is
undoubtably the largest train show in the eastern USA; last year over 21,000
people attended. Three big buildings full of vendors - over 30 operating
layouts in many scales - clinics, etc. etc.
The show is open from 9AM to 5PM on Saturday and 10AM to 5PM on Sunday.
Admission is $8 for adults, kids under 12 are free, and the Fairgrounds
charges $5 to park. To get there, take Interstate 91 to Rt 147 west to the
FEBT has a display located at 18P of the Better Living Center (towards the
rear of the largest building). Jim Vliet, Lee Carlson and Jon Radder will be
manning the display. We will be selling a variety of items including DVDs,
FEBT caps, pins etc.
The Amherst Railway Society distributes the profits from the show as grants
to railroad museums and preservation groups. For the past two years Friends
of the East Broad Top has received a grant from this show, which has been
used to fund the documentation of the Coles water tank. They’ve supported
us - let’s show our support for them by attending the show!
For more information, visit http://www.amherstrail.org/show/show.htm
See you there !
Jim Vliet
PS long-range weather forecast for the weekend calls for party cloudy skies
both days, 31 deg. on Sat., 36 deg. on Sunday
Posted for JV by JR