I was just at this location for a horse show… A lot of people but not as many venders as we have usually seen … I wonder if this show will have the same pattern.
As of January 3rd it is still saying it’s on …
The 2022 Show is on! (January 29th and 30th) …Happy Holidays and see you at the largest Train Show in North America. Updated Covid-19 Announcement (as of 12.29.2021) - As of this writing, there continue to be no restrictions in West Springfield, Massachusetts, either from the city or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Amherst Railway Society will follow all local and State guidelines as they are updated.
It still says a go…
I’m thinking of going on Saturday the 29th with Dan Pierce …
Stay safe Sean. Wear an N95 and a hula hoop on suspenders in that crowd!
BTW, It’s Amherst. I think Amhurst is in Germany
Well Mother Nature is going to deliver some snow on Sat.
I and my ride are thinking of passing this year…
Next year as Boston sports people are known to say …
It’s a bit too early to tell, but local forecasters here in Connecticut are saying to be prepared for Snowmageddon II
The sky is falling the sky is falling !
I think we have 36" on the ground …I’ll pass this year…
Reports on Facebook were that there was a pretty good crowd, considering. Lots of empty booths though.
36” of what, Sean?
Well after mother nature gave use 30" of the white stuff … what railroad … spent the last two days clearing paths in the snow… the Mini Horses sure didn’t like me in there pen with the snow blower .Ha Ha Ha …they got plenty of exercise running around… paths for the dogs… path to the sheds, path to the wood pile… cleaned my 400’ driveway, drive to the barn , cleaned out 4 parking spaces (all were filled) … I need a rest …so I’m at work …quiet for now…