Someone show me where I go wrong here:
1.) Other than the QSI, the only thing that plugs into the socket and everything works is Tony’s device built expressly for that purpose. (And, the QSI requires you to use their auto chuff instead of the opti-chuff in the K.)
2.) Stan Ames own instructions, as posted on the Bachmann board discuss lengthy modification of the “dummy plug” unit including cutting runs, soldering wires, and attaching components to make a device that plugs into the socket.
3.) Stan has told Tony that they intend to change the socket so that his device will no longer function on the next run. That means the QSI won’t work anymore either since it DOES work now, as Tony’s does… and he’ll have to release a whole new “how-to” to fabricate a device that plugs into the socket for everything else.
So, the timeline is:
a.) Make a universal socket that works with one device only (without modification.)
b.) Make a lexicon of ways to modify devices so that they will plug into the socket.
c.) Deliberately then change the socket so that neither the modified devices, or ones specifically produced to work, will work anymore.
While I’m sure that if Tony said it wasn’t worth his while to build a new plug-n-play device not only for each locomotive produced, but each RUN of each locomotive produced, that there would be a universal outcry that he was driven only by a hatred of progress, and a personal vendetta, how long will Aristo, QSI, Lenz, and friends be willing to re-invent the wheel every time Stan changes something?
Or, was that the point in the first place? I suppose at that point he could claime he’d “tried” and since no one wanted to play, he was just going to develop his own complete system. But that doesn’t make any sense either, particularly since I’ve heard him say several times he’s not furthering any particular interest, but is working for “The Good Of The Hobby.” (dramatic chord.)
I’m confused. Someone help me!
Matthew (OV)
PS. While you’re helping me understand, see if you can help me clear this one up: If Stan’s program goes ahead unfettered by uncomplimentary magazine reviews, and unchallenged by vocal technical experts, since no other manufacturer seems to be “playing ball” (Aristo? USA? Hartland? LGB/Marklin? Piko? Someone else?) isn’t the best anyone can hope for is a new Bachmann, that, like MTH is incompatible with anything else in the world without major headache and dramatic surgery? I know there are a lot of MTH trains out there, but between the control and the scale, it’s pretty much it’s own circle, and a lot of “mainstream” large scale forgets even to list them when talking about large scale trains. Is that the direction that Bachmann now intends to go? Why would they do that, if so?