Ric Golding said:
Beer is BEER. Iiced tea is water with a bag of something dunked in it. DIET COKE keeps some of us going. Rum is only used for medicinal purposes.
There is such a thing as Liced tea in Canada ? I don’t think I’d try it(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
“Liced Tea” - “the Brunt” drinks it all the time. Especially in Chinese restaurants.
And it’s free if your a “designated driver” and have to haul a bunch of rummies around…(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)(https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Ric Golding said:
There is actually quite a lot of history buried in the thread.
Bruce Chandler - “Emperor of the North”, I think the movie has already been made and the biography is still being written.
Fred may be President of the Ottawa Valley Garden Railway Society, but we run on the Ironwood, Peters Pond and Western Railroad. I think Fred still sets the rules, but other VP’s sometime overrule.
Looking forward to seeing everyone. Its been 2 years and its been driving me crazy.
Invasion - an occurrence of unwanted guests showing up whether you want them to come or not. Some may be called pests, some not so bad. That’s yet to be decided.
Beer is BEER. Iiced tea is water with a bag of something dunked in it. DIET COKE keeps some of us going. Rum is only used for medicinal purposes.
“Rumskies” were outlawed at the Border for fear of influencing our Canadian Friends.
Howcome (one word) we all live in North America, except TAC (he’s a part timer) and the people north of the border are called “Canadians” or “Canucks”, but the people in North America, south of the Canadian Border in the USA are called “Americans”? Why aren’t we called “USAians” or “USucks”?
What a minute, I may have answered my own question.
Very proud to be an “American” and to have such a large number of “Canadian” friends.
Hope to see many of you in the next couple of days.
I admit to being confused.
Yesterday, Tuesday, July 10th; I went out and stocked the fridge with several cases of “Limon Liced Tea”. Ken should be pleased, and Ric can add Rum, Gin, or Vodka…whichever he is stocking. Diane and Ed are planning on arriving somewhere around 19:00 Thursday.
Ken usually gets here at “Tea Time”.
Ric, and Jan will probably be “Camping” at the Matheson’s" while Don, and the rest of them amble in at their own pace. There is even a case of “mountain Dew” somewhere around…
Fred Mills
Have a great ‘invasion’ everyone. I will be there in spirit, oh! and do your best to avoid wrecks! (https://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-wink.gif)A lot happening here to distract from railroads: Tour de France, World Cup football and Wimbledon (tennis). The first two interest me, the third I leave to others.