Large Scale Central

American Invasion,Montreal chapter

Hello guys

This year for the second part of the Invasions, the Invaders are planning a trip to Montreal right after the Ottawa big meeting on Monday 23 and Thuesday 24 of July. Actually on the program discussed with FR Fred and Doug, there will be a visit of the Montreal Botanical Garden, a tour of the St -Constant Railway museum and M Normand Delisle will present us his own personnal Museum which comprise a 6500 sq ft interior operational layout with mostly Accucraft narrow gauge locos.

It would be nice to know in advance who wants to attend , so I know how many hotel rooms will be needed for the night or nights you will be here…

I am very happy to greet you in my hometown, hope that you will like it…

If any of you have questions or suggestions, they are welcome

Gaétan Charette

Gaetan, I am looking forward to visiting your hometown.


We are also very excited to see your part of the World. I did not see this post when I aske dthe question on the other thread. So, an overnight in Montreal and do you plan to provide us with a number to make the room reservations or will you make them for us? Whatever works is fine.

Ric and Ken

I will wait a bit to be sure that the estimated number of visitors is confirmed , then I will phone around for availability and price…

Gaétan, who is also exited by the coming Invasions…

Hi Gaetan -

Marilyn, Matthew and myself are tentatively planning to attend. I will be bringing my own hotel room (30’ RV trailer). I’m looking today for campgrounds. Have located a good one, “Camping Alouette” - at exit 105 of Highway 20. Is that anywhere near where the group will be?

There are a few other campgrounds in the area. My research is limited to English speaking websites, so that limits my choices. If you have any recommendations I’d be glad to hear them.

Looking forward to seeing you again.


Hello Jon

Check your mail box I sent you a PM.


Gaetan Charette said:
Hello Jon

Check your mail box I sent you a PM.


Checked and replied :slight_smile: