Fred Mills said:
Warren, and anyone else interested; I'm sure as in the past; there will be lots of pictures posted.
We just have to get Doug and Paul, to post them here…they seem to only want to post them elsewhere…
But; there is hope…I have a young fellow, named Tyler who will snap great candid shots, and his Grand-dad will send them to me, and I’ll send them to Bart, Gary, or whoever, for posting.
I’ll make sure the fun is well documented…Too bad you can’t be here, Warren…
Harumph!!! - I believe the 2006 Invasion was well documented and posted at this fine site with the unique feature that the picture are still here for posterity and perpetuity (as long as Bob allows), unlike other sites that ask you to keep cleaning out your old files and then posts that they shouldn’t be removed.
And here is another set -
For those that don’t know or may not be able to remember (hint?). The ranks swelled here when we (many of us) were forced to clear our photo spaces on other sites or result to extortion to maintain a library there. For the spece Bob has provided, we are forever greatful and say THANK YOU.
Other old photos from before 2006 can be seen at Fred’s during the current upcoming Invasion.