Large Scale Central

American Invasion - Let the countdown begin!

I’ve been counting down for quite awhile now, but DANG! this is getting close. THREE WEEKENDS to go.

Who’s coming?

What are you bringing?

Jean and I will be showing up sometime Thursday, though I think we’ll end up leaving on Sunday. I’d love to stay and see what Dave McCurdy has accomplished, but just don’t think I can swing it this year.

I’m thinking I’ll bring a couple of my all steel boxcars, my odometer car, my boxcab, and my live steam Shay. Hmmm…I still have room for one more piece of rolling stock.

Im coming! Arriving friday noon-ish, leaving sunday. Not sure what Ill bring, probably one of my steel boxcars, maybe the Connie if I can get the bugs worked out of the radio. Working on a 45 tonner too, but that might not make it in time…

Bringing the 2 cylinder Shay and some other stuff. Plan to arrive Thursday morning or early afternoon and plan is to stay through Tuesday. This has always been an interesting adventure and I’m sure will be good. Anxious to try out the new trackage.

Yes; new trackage…we just installed the last of the new trackage today…now for a bit of back filling and grooming.

Yes…a show of hands on who is coming, and how many will be making the side trip to Montreal on Monday would be helpful.
Gaetan has the hotel all arranged, and would like numbers as to how many will be going to Montreal on the Monday/Tuesday trip.

Doug Matheson will need numbers for the Friday meal at his estate.

As far as Dave McCurdy’s place…I haven’t heard from him, but he may be arranging something with Doug. I would expect Sunday afternoon would be his widow of time.

 David has layed a pile of track since last year.....some of the guys were out there last week. I don't think he has ant plans to operate, or at least I don't know of any.

Since we have some obligations and adventures planned before “the Invasion”, we will be leaving in 16 days and a wake up. Certainly ready and those next 16 days have an awful lot of opportunities built in to them.

A message concerning the “Montreal Mini-tour”, has been posted to known, interested parties. If anyone has plans to join the “Invasion” this year; who has not contacted me; PLEASE call or Email, asap.


[email protected]    (613)723-1911

My work has been demanding extra hours and hinted at me not taking time off in order to bring a large project in on time. They canceled all vacation time between 8/15 and 9/15. My time off for the Invasion trip is safe because it was approved months ago, but it looks like we might have to skip McCurdy’s and Montreal and head back early Sunday AM. I need to get some time to see my Dad this summer before the vacation moratorium is on and they don’t want me extending my Invasion trip to do it.

So invading Ontario we will be. We plan to leave CT around 6PM on Wednesday and get as far as Syracuse before stopping to sleep in a rest-stop. That should easily put us in Ottawa Thursday before Noon. We’re camping a few miles from the “official hotel” at Camp Hither Hills. We’ll probably check-in before heading over to Doug’s.

Head count for the invading arm of the Radder clan stands at 3.

BTW - a test run pulling the camper to Scranton. PA 2 weekends ago proved that my Envoy is up to the task. We were able to maintain 55-65 even up the huge hills in Eastern PA. Gas mileage was a crappy 6MPG but improved to over 10 on the down-hill trip home.

C U Soon


I, too will be arriving on Thurs and plan to attend the Montreal thingy…what I’m bringin is still floatin around in my brain somewhere…

Uh oh. We need to bring a brain, too? …dang…it’s probably too late to get a good one.

Hotel in Montreal is booked, Ken. Your room here is prepared…safe driving to everyone

Spoke to Ga’etan, last night. This is really coming together and certainly the excitement is building. We are at 10 days and a wake up.

Thank you, Fred!

49 hours or so from now, we should be closing the doors and starting our trek North. Grass was cut for the last time, today. We will stop mail and paper tomorrow. The grandkids are going ot be with us for the next couple of days and our plan is to drop them off on our way. Our plan is to be in Sudbury on Monday evening for a romp north to White River on a set of RDCs on Tuesday. Its an 8 hour trip and then the same back Wednesday. Thursday morning we will be heading east toward Doug’s and Fred’s. Hope ot be at Doug’s in the afternoon and Fred’s Thursday evening. We’ll stay in the area through Monday morning and then head over to Nicole and Ga’etan’s on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday night or Wendesday morning second week heading south.

If this trip turns out half as good as planned, it should be a great trip.

Don’t forget to take pictures for those of us who are stuck at home…:smiley:

Warren, and anyone else interested; I’m sure as in the past; there will be lots of pictures posted.

We just have to get Doug and Paul, to post them here…they seem to only want to post them elsewhere…

But; there is hope…I have a young fellow, named Tyler who will snap great candid shots, and his Grand-dad will send them to me, and I’ll send them to Bart, Gary, or whoever, for posting.
I’ll make sure the fun is well documented…Too bad you can’t be here, Warren…

Wish I could be there too. But it’s just too darn far and it’s going to take every bit of my vacation money this year just to get to Marty’s. Finances currently will only allow me to make one trip some place each year. :frowning: Now, if we could invade HJ…:confused:

Fred Mills said:
Warren, and anyone else interested; I'm sure as in the past; there will be lots of pictures posted.

We just have to get Doug and Paul, to post them here…they seem to only want to post them elsewhere…

But; there is hope…I have a young fellow, named Tyler who will snap great candid shots, and his Grand-dad will send them to me, and I’ll send them to Bart, Gary, or whoever, for posting.
I’ll make sure the fun is well documented…Too bad you can’t be here, Warren…

Harumph!!! - I believe the 2006 Invasion was well documented and posted at this fine site with the unique feature that the picture are still here for posterity and perpetuity (as long as Bob allows), unlike other sites that ask you to keep cleaning out your old files and then posts that they shouldn’t be removed.

And here is another set -

For those that don’t know or may not be able to remember (hint?). The ranks swelled here when we (many of us) were forced to clear our photo spaces on other sites or result to extortion to maintain a library there. For the spece Bob has provided, we are forever greatful and say THANK YOU.

Other old photos from before 2006 can be seen at Fred’s during the current upcoming Invasion.

Most everyone heading for the “Starwood Abbey” is on the road, or resting up for the treck. Safe driving everyone…I have the homefires burning, and the bheer on ice…yes Ken; the “Iced Tea” is in the cooler.

 All is well here.......waiting for your safe arrival
Fred Mills said:
Most everyone heading for the "Starwood Abbey" is on the road, or resting up for the treck. Safe driving everyone......I have the homefires burning, and the bheer on ice.....yes Ken; the "Iced Tea" is in the cooler.
 All is well here.......waiting for your safe arrival</blockquote>

…and the “Honey Brown” is on the way as well. Along with some fresh sweet corn and a watermelon. Save some ice for that…:wink:

I’ll be hitting the road in an hour or so…

Now if I could just win the Lottery I could make the trip plus a few others. known it would be fun. Oh well story of my life day late dollar short. Later RJD