Large Scale Central

Almost time for the SELSTS in Perry GA

Next month is the South East Large Scale Train Show in Perry, GA. (June 23, 24, and 25) Just like the ECLSTS in YORK, PA, this is a LARGE SCALE only show. The SELSTS includes layout displays, clinics, a new 16’ x 28’ dual track live steam table =D , a banquet and door prizes. For more information on the vendors and room avalability, please visit the AristoCraft website and check out the SELSTS forum.

Attendees will be allowed to run their live steamers on the live steam track, so be sure to bring yours or pick one up at the show!

See you in Perry :cool:

I deleted the duplicate posts in the other forums, and left this one here, where they belong.

I’m going-Camping across the interstate-see Y’all there!


OK, so am I 1 of the only “reps” from LSC going?

if nobody goes this could be the 1st and last SELSTS


I’d like to attend…but it is too late in the season for me, and I live too far North…
I’m deep into garden railroading now and the season is never long enough. Can’t waste the limited season travelling…

Enjoy the show…