Glad to read your reasoned position on energy development!
So are you now saying that any possible solution the allows someone to profit (or as you put it ‘line their pockets’) is not acceptable?
Sorry, but I don’t see where Pickens’ proposed energy plan provides him with any more reward than the millions of others who might ‘profit’ from it. That ranges from land owners, engineers and technicians doing the development of both the natural gas and wind systems, builders and installers, plant operators and service people, to the average citizen who could very well see a reduction (or at least not a continuation of the current run up) in their energy bill. All with a relatively low environmental impact.
The only losers would be the Arabs who want to keep us beholden to them.
BTW, I am not at all opposed to drilling and other development of our domestic natural resources, and think Pelosi’s (and other resistance on the basis of environmental harm) is a glaring example of the elitist mentality that pervades much of the ‘environmentalist’ movement. Do as I say, but I am exempt, as my work (or position or location) is too important to limit.
I certainly do not think the invasion of Georgia is about anything other than the Russian power block flexing what little muscle they have left. I truly do worry about our government’s response. Oil is certainly one of the leading factors. So why not support some of the proposals that might make the U.S. way less dependent on foreign oil over the course of the next 5 to 10 years?
Of course Obama will simply have a nice conversation with Putin, and ask him to stop, and apparently over half the folks in our country think that will settle it.
Happy RRing,