As the subject line says, can one of the “Drop Ins” be "bashed into a USAT S4?
I have one for my USAT GP-38, and am very satisfied. Next are two GP9/7s.
Just wondering… My lone S4 wants one, too.
As the subject line says, can one of the “Drop Ins” be "bashed into a USAT S4?
I have one for my USAT GP-38, and am very satisfied. Next are two GP9/7s.
Just wondering… My lone S4 wants one, too.
I can but a G2 in for you… I did my nw-2… need a small battery and redo the wiring. noproblem thou.
I answered on the other place…
if the drop in board is no wider than the outer 2 of the 4 slots for the slide switches.
Thanks, Greg. My guess is that it will not work, then.
Steve, anything can be made to work. however, there are a few obstacles to what you wish to do. The drop in have both power switches and recharge jack mounted on board, and in a position that works for the USA loco they are designed for. The S4 requires the generic g2 to be mounted on its side for best space utilization, and such would also be true for the drop in. So, you would need to move the a fore mentioned switches and charge port Off board to have access. All the existing drop ins are too wide to fit the S4 hood, and mountings on the floor , the way other drop ins work, is going to be an issue for good speaker placement among other things. The GP 7/9 comes the closest to fitting, but is still not good enough.
Is there some specific reason you need to do this, why not just go with a generic g2, or the new upcoming g3 boards, both will work fine in an S4 , with excellent results.
If using a generic board to perform the install worries you , just go with a fully qualified and technical supportive dealer that has been there and done that dozens of times, all your questions and roadblocks will be answered. The s4 is tight, but good sound, 3 hour long running time, and a quality speaker can be fitted, it is just a matter of using the right stuff.
jonathan bliese said:
Steve, anything can be made to work. however, there are a few obstacles to what you wish to do. The drop in have both power switches and recharge jack mounted on board, and in a position that works for the USA loco they are designed for. The S4 requires the generic g2 to be mounted on its side for best space utilization, and such would also be true for the drop in. So, you would need to move the a fore mentioned switches and charge port Off board to have access. All the existing drop ins are too wide to fit the S4 hood, and mountings on the floor , the way other drop ins work, is going to be an issue for good speaker placement among other things. The GP 7/9 comes the closest to fitting, but is still not good enough. Is there some specific reason you need to do this, why not just go with a generic g2, or the new upcoming g3 boards, both will work fine in an S4 , with excellent results.If using a generic board to perform the install worries you , just go with a fully qualified and technical supportive dealer that has been there and done that dozens of times, all your questions and roadblocks will be answered. The s4 is tight, but good sound, 3 hour long running time, and a quality speaker can be fitted, it is just a matter of using the right stuff.
When I get a round tuit, I will probably use the generic G3, unless they have come out with a specific “Drop Ins.”
I’m an aberration, since I’m, not a fan of sound, either.
Any idea when the G3 will be available? What will be improved/different?
The g3 will have same performance and config parameters as the drop ins- which is an upgrade from the g2. This means more lighting-fully programmable- improvements to cruise control, easier setup, and other stuff. It is also smaller, and will fit the s4 well. Availability is not specified, but design is done and testing complete, should be fairly soon.