The lads received a juvenile caution after the police interviewed them and their parents. They weren’t skylarking, just in a hurry to get home. Appears the train missed the second lad by about a foot. Doubt he’ll forget the experience in a hurry.
I can remember, as I will bet most of you can, doing more than a few REALLY STUPID THINGS in my teen-age years. I’m only here typing this because a couple of adults had their eyes open, looking, while I was being an idiot. Hopefully, my (and my wife’s) subsequent contributions to the global gene pool will exhibit better judgment . . . tho’ sometimes I wonder!
Our son-in-law’s father was driving a passenger train when some teenage passengers decided to start messing around. One of the boys fell between the carriages and was killed instantly. Even though our son-in-law’s father had no way of knowing what was going on, he felt the tragedy deeply. He switched to goods trains, and never drove another passenger train. That was over 25 years ago.
I am grateful the engineer on this particular Perth express was spared that experience.