Shawn and Desiree Viggiano hosted a small gathering of Invaders on the Kittatinny Mouuntain RR toady. Ken Brunt and I were joined by Ric and Jan Golding for a day of friendship and running trains.
The weather looked pretty threatening as I left Connecticut early this morning but by the time I was crossing the Hudson River it looked like it would be good. The weather did hold till nearly lunch time when the heavens opened up sending us scrambling to get locos and R/C gear out of the rain. The timing of the rain was good, by the time we finished lunch it had cleared again and we had a great afternoon running trains.
I didn’t get many pictures except for Ric’s Live Steam Shay run. The KMRR was looking great and very lush with all the rain our area has had.
Thanks for the invite Shawn - I had a great time. When you are cleaning up be on the lookout for that glad hand again. It must have pulled out of my pocket with my knife near the steam table when I adjusted my radio.