Large Scale Central

Actually starting the expansion?

Jon Your layout is coming out awsome. What a difference from when you started this thread. If anyone is ever my way feel free to contact me and stop by. My RR needs some visiting engines

Yes. Here it’s called Stone Sand. Some dealers call it Stone Dust. Probably about 1/4 inch down to dust. There is plenty of dust! I buy it by the trailer load (about 1000 lbs.) for just over $20 at a stone transfer plant near my work.

Can’t have a page with no pictures, so here is one borrowed from the Summer Fun thread showing an Fn3 train traveling through some of the new landscaping and across the new diamond… []


[/url][color=blue]Passing Walk Landing on the East Leg- FF: Click to Enlarge - IE: Right Click Photo and select Open Link in New Window to Enlarge[/color]

OK, Jon…time for an update. Where does the pike stand now that Summer is over, and Fall is well over us ?

Fred Mills said:
…Fall is well over us ?

Yes it is. My layout is currently buried in leaves. Lots of progress in Deep Cut this summer. Documented here if you missed it. Motivation level has been pretty low since taking on a second job - that and the short days make for no free daylight time during the week. I was thinking the other day that I should at least get in a siding connected to that second switch from this thread while the weather is still nice. Perhaps motivation will increase this weekend. I brought home a piece of 4x4 PVC post scrap that I was thinking might be the basis for the bridge over Deep Cut between these footings…


4x4 is too big, but thinking of ripping it the 2x4 then gluing the two halves back together to make a rectangle. If that works out I’ll dress it to look like a girder bridge. That and I’m still working on my first self-contained battery powered loco - the Bachmann side-tank Porter for use as a yard switcher and maybe to pull one or two passenger cars.