Large Scale Central

Acme Pawn & Eastside Mower Repair Shop Craig's 2023 MIK

Blocks are easy with yout 3d printer

Are you suggesting I print a million and half of them and glue them together with 3/8" “mortar”? :grimacing:

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Sounds like a good plan :open_mouth:

In it’s all glued up glory.

You could print up rows of block with a scale 3/8” mortar spacer then just fill with putty , best of both worlds, accurate blocks and still putting it together to satisfy the scratch build issue if you don’t glue them up straight.

May I refer you back to this thread I asked about a few months ago…


I remembered I did a cinder block building before. This was the first building I was making for T&D Feeds. I ended up destroying it over the years with various moves and now don’t have room for the building (it’s across the street from the main store).

I used .250x.250 styrene cut into blocks and glued them up. Made a mold and cast a bunch of wall sections. I bet I still have the mold, although it’s probably pretty worn out and I don’t have any casting resin on hand. And I didn’t really like the connection pieces I tried to make.

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Your building is big but then again a place like that would be.
I have always used plexi glass with my builds. It is easy to score and snap

Seems small to me, but then again the big feed mill that I have is 6’ x 7’!

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Formulating some ideas for a shingled roof that hopefully will last longer than the antiskid tape.

.020 strips 1’ wide, with notches cut every 1’. Glue on roof with 6" spacing. Then skim a coat of the concrete repair stuff on top, would fill in some of the bigger gaps but still retain the texture of the shingles. I’ll build a slightly bigger test piece and skim coat it tonight and see.

Build is looking good, Craig. Interested in seeing how your shingles turn out. I wish I was that far along.

A quick test with the concrete skim on top proved that’s not going to work. Probably just paint black and go from there.

Craig, what about adding sand to the paint to give the shingles some texture?

Dan aka manimal suggested just grey paint flicked around. I think sand might be too course.

That may be true. I am not sure what is available on the west coast, but I can get beach sand that is literally fine as sugar. Not sure what that scales out to :grin:

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I’m sure I could find something that would work, but my thoughts are the less “layers” on top of the paint, the better it might last in our rain. If that makes sense?

Yep, makes perfect sense.

I might have a method. It involves a lot of 1’ wide strips of .020 styrene.

If this method holds long term or at least longer than the failure of the antiskid tape, I might take a friend of mine up on cutting these next time with his Cricut. That would be a way faster method!

This is a great idea and I have a cricut so This will have to be investigated for sure.

I did a coach a couple years back and sprayed some black paint then while wet dusted with sand then painted over it. Looks very plausible on the texture.