Large Scale Central

Accucraft K1 Garratt....

Ah, youssir. Many thanks. (



I guess he wants me to post these pretty pictures:

Wow, they look, uh, pretty dire, eh? However, that does not in any way diminish my gratefulness for you posting them.

Thank you, sir.


Ottawa Valley GRS

That would fit my railroad just fine. That would not fit my budget in any way shape or form.

At dare iz right purdy.

Your welcome, old floon…(

I now realise where I went wrong with my homebuilt K1 which runs short of steam. The Accucraft model has two burners and two superheaters where as I have only one. I am obviously just not generating enough heat to drive two sets of cylinders.


Peter Lucas


K1: Is the steering wheel for direction change fixed or removable?


A longer burner?

Improved heat transfer from a modified burner - Radiant Poker Burner by Kevin O’Connor. There are 2 articles expanding on Kevin’s RB in SitG #65.


I will take a look.


Peter Lucas


Chris Scott said:

K1: Is the steering wheel for direction change fixed or removable?


A longer burner?

Improved heat transfer from a modified burner - Radiant Poker Burner by Kevin O’Connor. There are 2 articles expanding on Kevin’s RB in SitG #65.


Mr Scott - I am surmazed that you ask this question, as you already have the Accucraft Garratt which operates F/R by an identical system. There is room for most modern micro-r/c systems in the cab to operate the throttle, albeit a mite tight, but putting servos in the ‘tenders’ might be beyond present technology.

Hopefully we can lool in front to seeing longer movies of it in motion when it gets out in the world of trials here in yUK. It certainly looks a real bramah with the correct and very subtle three-colour lining, IMO.



Here’s a four-minute clip of it running this weekend at Elsecar LS train show. Please show your charity and refrain from commenting on the somewhat odd-looking people that turn out in droves for LS and any other scale train shows over here. Thanks.



Great looking engine! Seems to love the relatively tight curves.

The headlight wasn’t on, and neither was the rear marker lamp. For shame.

I noticed that the the thing kept slowing down, I was going to ask if that was intentional, by radio control, until the end, when I saw the “Driver” manually control the thing. I wonder why it kept slowing down on the straight aways.

David - as you prolly noticed, Simon [the very large rectangular gentleman with the appalling taste in leisure pants] was driving it by paw, and there were a number of other trains on the same track, as too. And the next 16mm live-steamer from Accucraft you see that has lights will be the first they’ve ever made. The space is there for a nice neat little LED system, but not the works themselves.

BTW, I’ve noticed a lot of hate finicky little questions by people who really should already have a good idea of the likely answer, bearing in mind the general level of expertise and experience of the client audience

So, how is the manufacturer is supposed to know in advance -

a. the length of consists.

b. the weight of consists.

c. the local conditions - inside with no cooling wind across the boiler, or outside in hot sun or near-freezing ambient temperatures.

d. the number of curves on any given track and the radii at which they set - all VERY important parameters which would govern the available steam and its application to the wheels.

e. the relative skill of the engineer/operator and his/her use of the steam.

f. the type of gas used - brands DO matter.

is beyond me.

I’m guessing that with two sets of large cylinders and comparatively high rotational crank/stroke rates that fifteen minutes is going to be an average run - with top-ups via the Goodall valve during that time.

My 3C Shay, for example - needs thirty ‘squirts’ every two hundred feet when I’m hauling twelve comparatively light skeleton cars on level track with sweeping curves. Change that for a curvy track and it goes way down to about 120 feet or even less. and that’s in good weather around 65F. David Bailey installed a double-volume gas tank that gives me runs between twenty and thirty minutes on average, depending on ALL the above parameters, and that’s after boiling up, shutting down, re-gassing and starting up again.

I’m just very glad that this pioneer locomotive has now been modelled at a price that is not TOO OOTW, and I’m certain that they will fast attract buyers. Good job, Simon, Matthew and the Accucraft team.

And Mr Cheng as well, of course. (



I think “a lot of hate” is a little strong,

There is one question, one smart alec remark, one expression of displeasure at the lack of info while demanding a deposit and then the desired estimate is provided by Mr Accucraft UK along with a number of photos of the pilot model.

When I take my portable track to train shows one of the most frequent questions is how long will it run? I always give the same answer, it depends on many factors, which usually satisfies the questioner. My Catatonk Shay or Accucraft EBT will both run about an hour and I’m very pleased when my Cricket tops 15 minutes.

Have fun,


Post amended in the interest of peace and quiet.



Hmmmm. I notice that the other forum has had a radical re-shuffle of the K1 thread to the point where only Graham’s image post, and Zubi’s reference to my pics remains.

Looks like lsc is the only place to hold a decent conversation these days, eh?


Dougie’s “Short Video of Accucraft K1” thread looks the same to me. I just watched the video again and looked at the pictures posted by Graham Langer. It’s a nice looking and running loco! Not sure I’m ready to change my hair color.

Anyone know the radius of the curves?


If my memory serves me right, those curves are 4ft radius.



It looks pretty good, would be fabulous on my 10’ radius or even the 6’ of my portable.

Uh Oh, I was really wanting a Roundhouse Darj Garratt.

Straight from the horse’s mouth -

'From runs undertaken so far I know the boiler is good for half an hour and with the use of a Goodall valve it should give plenty of running time.

Graham.’ - Graham Langer of Accucraft UK
