Over the course of the last few weeks and a handful of posts on here, I acquired a Goose 2 and that’s when the fun began. The first step was to acquire some decals to replace the stock decals that were flaking off that I had seen in the pictures sent over by the gentleman I purchased it from.
Once the Goose arrived and due to Fedex’s careful handling I found it in this condition… Thankfully I was able to find all of the pieces and not have to fab anything up.
So I did a little repair and fortunately its hard to tell it was ever in pieces.
Next I used a little nail polish remover and got rid of the remaining decals. It cleaned up pretty well.
I got some of the Testers model spray paint and repainted the Goose.
And thanks to Stan Cedarleaf for his great product, I was able to re-letter the Goose
I spent a little time this morning installing an Airwire system, and as a nice gesture I was fortunate enough to gain a Phoenix sound system for the Goose. It’s not the EXACT sound file, but the price was right and I think it’ll do. It will also be more suitable once some programming is done to the sound board.
Here is the Goose out on the line and running very well! I just want to thank everyone who made this project happen! You are all awesome and it was a pleasure doing business with you!
Untitled from Matt Z on Vimeo.
Thanks for looking!