Large Scale Central

A visit to the POC

While I was out in Medford, OR. for my son’s wedding, I managed to break away for a day trip over to Port Orford and visit with an old friend, Richard Smith. Since the weather inland in Medford was in the 90’s most of the week, I got a rude awakening when I got to the coast. Cloudy and temps in the high 50’s and low 60’s (and here I was in just a Tee shirt). Not wanting to spend all my time there shivering my ass off, I found a hardware store that sold sweat shirts and picked on up. Feeling all warm and comfy, it was on to Richard’s.

Pulling into his drive, the first thing I noticed was the size. It had grown about double since my last visit.

After a warm welcome from my host and tour of the layout, an informal and impromptu ops session was put together.

Richard started at the southern end and I started at the northern end.

After swapping cars at various places we managed to meet in the middle. Richard took the siding while I worked my way around him.

Here POC #7 delivers a reefer to one of the industries in Bandon.

A little while later Evan showed up and we got him involved in it. He was an HO guy with a roundy round layout so he was a bit perplexed with the switching moves. But with some coaching from Richard and I, he managed to complete his tour.

A lot of changes since my last visit, and a well built and maintained layout. A big Thank You to Richard and Helen for having me over. After a nice lunch in town at around 3 I had to say good bye and headed on back to Medford.

If I was thinking when I built my RR, that is exactly the way I would have it.

Very, very nice. I see more room to expand down the lane.

You certainly seem to have had a great time visiting the PNW Ken. Made even more interesting by visiting Richard and working on that great railroad he has. Living close to the sea I can concur how much cooler it can be than inland.

Have a safe journey back home will 'ya.

Nice to see the POC again. Glad you had the chance to get there Ken, and it looks like a good time was had. Richard looks good and the RR looks great.

That’s one railway I would like to visit .

I remember Richard’s first posts about it , you could see back then that it was going to be good .

Mike Brit


Sounds like you had a great visit. The coastal weather is cool but always a relief from the inland valley heat.

The wife and I visited Dick and Helen a couple weeks back and had a great time and did some running as well. The weather was beautiful that day about 65 and sunny with a slight breeze, perfect for an ops session.

Once we got the throttle situation sorted out all went well, he claims he didn’t know. Yea right :slight_smile:

You can’t ask for better people to spend a great day with.


Great pictures, Ken. I’m always amazed how many people have visited Richard’s layout, especially considering it’s not near anything. But, it’s a great visit. Wish I could do that again.

Richards R.R. is fantastic and always looks great.
Some day Jane and I are going to try to make it up there if we can get our three wheel peddle bike fixed with a two wheel trailer… lol.
Maybe talk old times as both of us use to work for the same trucking co, years and years ago…

Oh, I see he hasn’t reached his mail box yet, but then he may have put in a few switch backs… lol.

Thank’s for posting the photos Ken B. Good shots…

Rick Marty said:


Sounds like you had a great visit. The coastal weather is cool but always a relief from the inland valley heat.

The wife and I visited Dick and Helen a couple weeks back and had a great time and did some running as well. The weather was beautiful that day about 65 and sunny with a slight breeze, perfect for an ops session.

Once we got the throttle situation sorted out all went well, he claims he didn’t know. Yea right :slight_smile:

You can’t ask for better people to spend a great day with.


I probably should have paid more attention to the weather reports on TV, since I had brought both a jacket and a sweat shirt with me but left them both at the hotel. But I didn’t feel so bad when I got back as the wife and my oldest boy elected to visit Crescent City and tour the Redwood Forests that day and ran into the same thing…:wink:

But, you’re right, it was well worth the visit.

Believe me folks, with the many fine people that have visited the POC the pleasure is all mine. :slight_smile:

Port Orford Coast R.R., where two people are a full operating crew and three people all at once are a convention. heehee!

I guess we had a convention then…:wink:

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

Ah yes, Ken… Richard is certainly an OLD friend and wonderful host… Kay and I had a chance to visit him more than 10 years ago just as he was starting the raised layout…

What a great craftsman and modeler he is…

Thanks for bringing back memories of a great time and delighted you were able to visit. (

There are THREE great things to do in Port Orford.

The first, obviously, is to visit with Dick and Helen and play trains.

The second, is to go eat at 'The Crazy Norwegian’and his fine ottery.

The third, that only comes into its own at dusk, but lasts ALL night long, is to go admire the traffic light that Dick and I have arranged to amaze and delight not only the populace of PO, but any folks who might just happen to be passing through on their way up 101. As anyone heading DOWN 101 just has to be leaving beautiful Oregon, and is therefore totally batshirt crazy, we are not too concerned about them. Those heading North have obviously come from the South, the state that has a name that we don’t mention, and have had a recent injection of good sense to prompt their decision.

Welcome to Oregon!

As you come around the bend, the tension builds - will it be ON, or will it be OFF?

You have to be there to find out.

tac & Dick - co-founder and founder-in-chief of the Port Orford Traffic Light Appreciation Trust Committee [Homologated] [POTLATCH] - All donations gratefully accepted - personal checks preferred.

Ken, thanks for the pics. What a treat to see one of the best large scale model railroads in the country. Richard, if you’re lurking, you do great work. Your pike (or is it a salmon?) looks mighty fine.

Well thank you all kindly. If the POC looks alright it is totally bacause of Ken’s all too kind photography which carefully avoided the myriad of unrepairs present.

As for the “Blinkin’ Light” and its number one and two fans (Ig and tac) just wait until we collect enough money to get our very own parking meter. Been a long haul but after 19 years weve acquired almost $14. Won’t be long now…!

In the meantime you can stop at the Crazy Norwegian, get a take out of fish & chips and sit and watch our traffic light blink on and off. Afterwards, if you can tear yourself away from the light, come on up to say howdy and visit the POC.
