Large Scale Central

A view on some changes on the CCRR

First, i want to show where the CCRR (CatCanyon RR) is located. Just map-google Durango and go some Miles east, u will find Columbus, Bayfield or Ignacio (on my map)

Only a little of this RR is taken out to buid my garden RR. Its the scenery arround Vallecito lake, with Vallecito as Operating Central and the Junction to Tuckerville and the Mines. But that this all can work, i need to do some changes: Look at the plan as it is NOW:

and i want to change it like this: orange is what is existing, the green lines will be the changes, the right blue section is the (to built) indoor-section. The left blue lines shows how it will be (and somekind IS) in connection to the junction lines.

and one more with some trains on it:

what do u think of the changes??? Frank

Hard to say without knowing what the objective is.

I kind of agree with HJ, but from the looks of the layout you are operations oriented, so you’ll get some good feedback here if you ask questions.

I like the indoor addition at lower right. Could the switch outdoors and a bit of the mainline be protected from weather so that you could operate the indoor sidings to pass the time in bad weather?

I have a similar situation here. In order to do moves of more than 1 car at a time I need to venture outdoors. Not something I do if its raining of freezing cold.

Hi there,

o.k. i see…its always the same problem with the things we have in our head…others havent, and so we have to bring it down to make readable what we mean… :smiley:

I´ll try to give some background.

Matching a Garden RR (or every modelRR) to an prototypical operation is often very difficult. So did mine.

Recently i got an idea.

If u look at the “all-in-orange” plan that shows my station now, a line leaves the station up to a junction, where a line got down (driving left) or up (driving right).
Both lines ended in a bump-station.

Now, with the new idea, i thought of building a loop arround the upper (weminuche(–>pass)) station. But not to simulate the turning of the train ( i have no chance to build the loop AFTER the weminuche-station, just arround it).
I drive through the loop and come back down, but now i use the line as if it was the OTHER side of the pass.
Lets think we came from the southern plains (ignacio-Bayfield-Columbus), stopped at Vallecito (the main station), went on to Weminuche (pass). While the model is turning on the loop, coming back down the same line, THEORETICALY the origin RR goes down the north side of the pass to Creede.

So i will pass the mainstation on the new siding, doing that as if this station werent there. The train will disappear in the house and end there (Creede).

I can now turn the loco OR change the train…whatever…and when this loco leaves the house, it is as if it comes from Creede, climbing up the north ramp of the pass to Weminuche. NOW first going through the weminuche loop BEFORE reaching Weminuche station.

and so on…

like this, i got a deep capacity of possible oprations with different locos, using the indoor facilities both as south and north side of the pass.

The former junction changes from a “on the line” junction to the northern head of the Vallecito Station.

The line driving left down is just a branch-line to a town (Tuckerville), a logging camp and a mine.

That is a bit confusing, but i didnt remind a case where someone has used a loop-line in this kind of double-operation as 2 lines.
The main thought in the background was to get some “line-length” that will get lost with making the line “Vallecito-Junction” (old layout) to station-tracks (new layout).
And i hope i found the word to describe it…its a bit difficult…i think.

But a short and last step back to the layout:
in the old layout, the station-loop in the main station (Vallecito) was just for turning locos and switching.
There was no possibility to drive-trough it directly.

The new layout will allow a direct drive-through. Like this, i can turn and switch in the station Vallecito.
AND i can come with a train from the lower branchline (Tuckerville), driving through the loop up to the pass ( to theorectially reach Creede) or v.v.

And for more, if i dont have fun with looking on operating purposes, i would have (for the first time) the possibility to drive “round-and-round”:
Vallecito Loop - up the line - Weminuche Loop - down the line.



Hi Frank, I’d straighten the return loop as much as possible. Then use the branchline as the drill track for the freight yard (if you had a freight/storage yard in mind), with an absolute minimum of reverse curves. I gather the two tracks in the shed function as staging. The siding in the station would become the ready track for the branchline;even a long train would fit, provided the cuts are planned, without interfering with the mainline.


Hi Hans-Jšrg,

( i think we COULD talk in German, but others maybe want to listen, too)

Thanks for your suggestion. There are just some little problems with the space.
The new stationtracks (siding) will be where u draw in the station building beside.
I would have liked to put it there, too.
But theres the parking of our car…i cut about 10 cm for the new plan, so there are no more tolerances…grin

Building in more switches may become difficult, but i would like to bring in 3 tracks (my plan shows just 2) inside the loop. 4 as suggested would reduce the tracklength of just 2 (not too long) cars. With 3 tracks there, i could use 2x 3cars and 1x 4 cars…i think, that would be ok.

I will need some sapce in the loop for a station building (u got it right: there has to be one!!!). And if possible for the freight shed.

And one more thing u got right:
the two tracks in the station are planned to be used mainly one as “pass-line-track” and the other as “branch-line-track”.

The “free” area on that two tracks is the way from our patio to the car-parking. no problem to use it shortly for a siding, but no use to let back cars there (what would give even problems with the inspector, because the crossing has an incline of 4%, what makes it just suitable for “drivings”, not for switching.

Greetings from germany
