Ah! the mysteripus non-existent window glue. Accucraft use a glue I believed guaranteed never to stick on their clear window material on the brass models. While care and supervision are a prerequisite to maintaining a model in pristine condition, I have found that those qualities alone are not sufficient to keep one’s windows intact. My three geese suffered a similar malady simply by attempting to gently wipe the cars. The windows just fell inside the car. I think that Accucraft got their glue from the same company Charlie Ro used on his Overton coaches. Purchasing an Overton was basically getting a coach full of rattling windows loose inside the car.
With Accucraft the issue is with adhering the windows to the brass interior. I believe they use a contact type glue and then very sparingly.
Sorry Terry, I cannot help with disassembly, but do comiserate you on your feelings, particularly when the loss is a malicious intent on the part of a minor who you were giving up your time to entertain. I also have observed parents watch while their offspring, derived from the loins of the devil himself, cause mayhem and the parents seemingly are ignorant of the mischief their delinquents are causing. Intervention usually results in a verbal stouch between the adults involved.