Large Scale Central

A show of hands

from all who plan to attend the Convention in Las Vegas.

I’m flying into San Diego on the 20th to visit with my brother for a few days , then drive over to Vegas on Sunday with the wife. I plan to do some desert train spottin on the way over. We have tours scheduled on Mon and Tuesday for the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam.

The following Sun we’ll be driving back to SD and more railfannin in the desert. We’ll see how the wife does with all this, it’ll be her first convention…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
We'll see how the wife does with all this, it'll be her first convention........;)
Ken, you should bring her to the gathering of the faithful in Nepean. We'd love to meet her.

Ric, I’m workin on that. One thing at a time…:wink:

She’s already missing 2 weeks of work, but she’s a lot more dedicated than I am. Missing work is one of my pleasures in this world…:wink:

Ken Brunt said:
Missing work is one of my pleasures in this world............;)
You may be my long-lost twin :D (Don't worry, I'm the evil one)

An evil twin??? Now that would have given my parents nightmares…:wink: