A few months back I bought a preowned Bachmann 3 truck shay with DCC and Factory Sound and I have a dilemna.
I don’t run DCC just straight up DC track power with a aristo TE. I really like the shay but I feel that DCC setup is affecting it. For one thing the lighting is the wrong way, go forward and the rear light comes on, backup and the front comes on. In my main yard I use a LGB 1 amp transformer to power and sometimes the shay just sits there and the rear light flashes. This doesn’t happen when it is on the mainline using the TE and more power.
This may have something to do with the wire plug to the tender that I had to repair but I don’t know.
The Shay also runs so much slower than my other Bachmann geared locos and in another question I asked here the possible answer was that the voltage needs to go through the DCC panel before getting to the motors so some is lost.
My dilemna:
Should I resell this shay and buy another without factory sound or should I try and fix this one. I’m thinking fixing it might include removing the DCC board and rewiring which would be stretching my abilities.