Large Scale Central

A New Day. Vol. I- Track Plan

I finally got around to doing a quick inventory of what I have in the barn and on the ground… Bender Train-Li Switches 10’ Wide Aristo-Craft 3-Right 3-Left LGB-Wide Radius-same as above 1-Right R1 Aristo-Craft 5-Right 5-Left CrossOver 1-19.5 Aristo-Craft 1-22.5 LGB Re-railers 3 Aristo-Craft Straight Track 23- 60" Aristo-Craft 17- 48" 10- 48" LGB 2 - 36" Aristo-Craft 9 - 24" 14- R1000 LGB Curves 26- Wide Radius (each section appox. 20" long Aristo-Craft) 29- Med Curves (each section appox. 16" long Aristo-Craft) 19- R1100 LGB The space I have avail is nearly pie shaped, all values appox: 60’ x 10’ x 71’ x 39’

For further review:

My Preferences: Roundy Rounds with some simple switching. I’d “like” a tunnel between the two trees in the center of the area for a visual block. Multiple individual loops that would allow running multi-trains w/o crashing-at least 3, and they could interchange if necessary. Outside loop with broad curves for bigger locos (American, Connie, Mogul, K/Meyer), smaller curves on inside loops for small locos (Climax, Shay, LGB). I’d like to utilize the crossovers. Would even consider an Over and Under figure 8 with the tunnel. Plan to keep most track on same grade. Thought of a run-around near point (10’) around those trees near House Number Sign as seen above. Not against using R1 switches for yard. Hope to do late 1800-Early 1900’s, Appalachia, maybe coal, lumber or both. Rolling stock will determine most of that, see below. Most visual breaks will be provided by small plantings. Plan some simple buildings and scenery, nothing too elaborate. Small Homestead or two, Small Town-Early American (Depot/PO, gen store, blacksmith, Church, mill-Much like Walnut Grove in Little House on the Prairie)… Industries could be outside of realm…on interchange…trains just passing through with loads? Passenger Service will be limited. I prefer the look of Body Mount KD #1 Couplers and Link & Pins as well. (kids stock to receive H&L) My Roster Includes: Bachmann American 4-4-0 Bachmann Porter 0-4-0 Saddle-tank Bachmann Climax #6 Bachmann Annie w/ Banta Cab Bachmann Rail-Truck Bachmann 45 Tonner LGB 0-4-0Porter Saddle-tank LGB 0-4-0 Columbus LGB SVR Switcher (diesel) LGB 0-4-0 Euro Lok 3- HLW Mack 11-HLW Flats 1 -Bachmann Logging Flat 1 -Bachmann Wood Side Gon-Sound car for LGB Switcher 3- Delton Wood Hoppers 1- LGB Wood Box Car 1- Bachmann Tank (BH) 1- LGB Tank Conoco 3- Bachmann 3 Bay Hopper 1- Bachmann Caboose 2 truck 5- HLW minis 3- Bachmann Side Dump Ore cale


I’d look at avoiding the boundaries and the desire to run right along the edge. Use the trees as the guide and work around them as natural obstacles that couldn’t be moved. Keep any switching on the outside edge where it is easy to get to without wading through the layout and probably on the house side. I guess I’d start with the 10 foot curve you have as the guiding diameter there at one end and see how far you have to move in to make it comfortable and blend well.

My usual starting point is “What is the story line?” Why does the railroad exist?

Don’t “over plan.”
That’s the biggest mistake people make when designing a new layout.
Time after time I’ve seen guys remove switches and sidings.

Don’t plan Don’t do schematics, just go out and start dry laying down your track and see where it takes you! You are going to come up with different ideas as you start to dry lay your track, let your imagination take you where YOU want to go, and once you have the “dry lay down” where you are most happy with it then go for it and finish your track somewhat permanently as you will come up with newer ideas a months or a year from then and want to change it AGAIN. I have a two story house and every morning I go to the west window and look down on the laout and get new ideas all the time. Then I just implement them you will too! The Regal


24 months of Over planning is what I did on the first try, then I finally “dry laid” track and was pretty happy with the results of my one loop…I have gotten the drop cords out and laid them around, so I have an idea of what I’m looking at, but I’m really looking for some inspiration from others (great minds and all)


If you think any of the trees might cause you problems later, cut them now. Also cut any weak limbs.
Don’t want them crushing your train.
Let me know if you want some help with the construction.

Ric Golding said:

My usual starting point is “What is the story line?” Why does the railroad exist?

Well put sir!
I’m of no help as I look at what area you have and the potential is endless. I had limitations I needed to meet and I just wanted to see trains run in my yard. I had a limited to space to share with my son so I split my yard in two. He gets 1/2 and I get the other,however he invades my territory constantly but I figure this will be short lived as they grow fast. I just enjoy running my trains “outside” on 2 loops in opposite directions for hours.
I believe if your pondering the thought Ric’s statement serves well.

Here is a link to how I began just 2 years ago…

here is the story line:

Hope to do late 1800-Early 1900’s, Appalachia, maybe coal, lumber or both. Rolling stock will determine most of that, see below. Most visual breaks will be provided by small plantings. Plan some simple buildings and scenery, nothing too elaborate. Small Homestead or two, Small Town-Early American (Depot/PO, gen store, blacksmith, Church, mill-Much like Walnut Grove in Little House on the Prairie)…

Industries could be outside of realm…on interchange…trains just passing through with loads? Passenger Service will be limited.

C. Nelson said:
here is the story line:

Hope to do late 1800-Early 1900’s, Appalachia, maybe coal, lumber or both. Rolling stock will determine most of that, see below. Most visual breaks will be provided by small plantings. Plan some simple buildings and scenery, nothing too elaborate. Small Homestead or two, Small Town-Early American (Depot/PO, gen store, blacksmith, Church, mill-Much like Walnut Grove in Little House on the Prairie)…

Industries could be outside of realm…on interchange…trains just passing through with loads? Passenger Service will be limited.

I think research of either the EBT or the ET&WNC in that time period are naturals for what you are talking about. Timber and coal are naturals together. A single line going through lots of vegetation. Sidings and settlements on the outside of a roundy-round loop with a lot of distance between them, would allow young minds to do a lot of imagineering and let them play without tearing everything up. Are you battery or track power? The staging area could also be the interchange, as both railroads had with a bigger railroad, and should be closest to the house or where you are going to store the equipment. Some low vegetation could help with the idea of distance and isolation. Something that grows in the shade in your area would work. We used ivy when we started and slowly removed it over 12 years as we came up with other plantings and developed the trackage.

So one or two sidings on the outside of a single mainline (roundi-round loop) and staging or interchange closest to where you are going to put equipment on and off the railroad. Use those trees as a natural obstruction the railroad had to work around.

Thanks Ric…Good Thoughts all the way around!

We are Battery and RC. All track was purchased used, though some had never been laid.

We are also fans of ET&WNC…I haven’t spent much time with the EBT-sorry Kevin-Will remedy that soon.

I was also thinking staging/switching near the house…on the 39’ side. That is right off my garage where the trains sleep (see great minds comment above :slight_smile: )

“Thinks” Very Much!



Follow that time frame of the ET&WNC and you can’t go wrong. Good history lessons for the boys, also. There are books, videos and field trips - what more do you need?

I did make a correction above, I left out the fact I own a Train-Li Bender, so the curve size will be according to needs, though I’m not above using the smaller diameter on the inside loops.


Just remember to include the kids and take lots of pictures. A totally detailed railroad is for the retired or no kid years IMO. I look at what these guys do and it’s awesome but I try not to wrap myself up in details even though I have, in turn forgetting the rest of my family. I think a basic track plan to run trains is the first hurdle,then add from there.
I’ll never forget the 1st load of stone I brought in the yard…my boy about soiled himself and got out all his stuff out to help…I also remember yelling at him that day for creating a hell of a mess with the stone in the yard at the time but he was just being a boy. I look at this picture now and will treasure it forever…very simple but in my mind priceless!
When I was a kid not that long ago I remember digging holes in the yard pissing off the ole’ man and playing on a dirt mound for hours. My little man has no idea how good he has it yet…but he will eventually say 30 yrs or so!
Good luck with your RR I’ll await future pictures!:wink:

I hear you David, when this all began, I had one Son, before I got track laid, there were 2 boys, and a Daughter nearly here…since then there is another boy…hence the ugly MS Paint sketches below! So here is an idea for a main line:


and I did this one with one in the chair with me the other holding onto my neck while climbing said chair…


granted I wouldn’t want 90 degree turns, but you may get the idea I’ve got in me head…thing is, I’d like more loops to operate independently! cale

and some others…gotta quit, I need to do laundry!




see why I’m looking for ideas!? cale

Why can’t you just start with 2 independent loops to run trains and add your switches and sidings as time allows. The best thing I ever did was add another independent inside loop, 2 trains running in opposite directions are a prize in itself. I will add switches and sidings as time allows. Perhaps I’m wrong on this thought but I have trains running?


No forward escape from last diagram’s figure 8.

Possible solution:

Just after you enter the figure 8 from the “east”, come around the curve facing south. At that position build a crossover to the next loop out to the west. Train now traveling SSE on inner loop.

Hope this helps.


Joe Satnik

Edit: added “last diagram’s”


There is no wrong.

I personally like the tracks connecting, but I like the idea of being able to run them totally independent.


Listen to what David is saying about letting those “guys I saw with the guns” in Perry having a big hand in this. You might not just build a railroad, you may be making young model railroaders. A pile of dirt looks like a hard project for you, but it is an adventure for those guys.

kinda like this?
