The current Big Train Operators is kind of a descendant of the original BTO club. When it was started, it was essentially the large scale national organization, started in the early/mid 70s when LGB was the only game in town. Some time in the late 80s, the group voted to become “only” LGB, and those who were involved with the club for the love of the hobby (as opposed to the brand) migrated elsewhere, mostly to the local garden railroad societies that had began springing up. If I recall, it became an “official” component of LGB or something similar, then reorganized as an independent group again once LGB went into bankruptcy. I’m not 100% certain.
We joined in the mid 70s shortly after getting our first LGB set, and remained active until the late 80s when their allegiance to LGB put the kabosh on other manufacturers displaying at the conventions. Kind of a bummer, because the early BTO group was very much a family, and as much fun as the NGRCs are, it’s always different people, so you don’t have that personal connection anymore.