I have an idea for a kitbashing clinic at my house the two days before the 18th National Garden Railway Convention in Cincy this summer. That would put it on June 25th and 26th in Delaware, OH (merely 2 hours from Cincy).
I would encourage any and all to bring their kitbashing projects (in progress or finished) to be put on display. We could discuss each other’s techniques. I would even demonstrate some of my techniques for anyone who was interested, as written up in articles on this site.
If anyone wanted to bring couple of flats or gons, I would put on a class for them on how to disassemble and prepare the kits, then I would mill the sides and floors down for them so that when they left all they would have to do is assemble the finished car. I could even help a few mill off the bolsters on box cars or covered hoppers if they wanted.
The event would start in the AM of the 25th and end in the PM of the 26th, in time to run down to Cincy and get registered up for the Ice Cream Social and the evenin exhibit hall session.
Would anybody be interested in spending an additional overnight in Delaware, OH to atetend such an event? If so, let me know by return e-amil, stating what your interests.
Remember, Model railroading is supposed to be fun!