In the latest issue of GR, there was a review of the Stoneworks 3 story Grist mill. The picture showed a red clapboard mill. Since the one I have now is a Pola mill, it looks too European to be on the RGS. What I needed was an Americanized version of a Grist Mill.
When the plans arrived in the mail the first thought I had was Damn, this thing looks familiar. A similar grist mill sits on a siding on Bruce Chandler’s J&B RR. The Smith Pond Mill. Then I remembered Bruce’s article about building it. Since I have no intentions of building it out of concrete and stone, I’m going with the clapboard version with a stone foundation. Similar mills are scattered around this area.
This one is located on Rte. 82, just south of Kennett Square. It’s now an Antique Shop.
Thanks to the Mills name sake, I had plenty of coroplast laying around. The doors I decided to scratch build. The windows are by Precision Products.
Once I had the windows in place I cut strips from 1/4" V-groove siding to frame out the door ways and make the doors.
I made the doors a 1/4" oversize so I could glue them to the inside wall.
What done so far.
More to follow as more gets done…