Large Scale Central

A Class Menagerie

I’ve been looking for some “large scale” Rocky Mountain Sheep to set up a photo of a 1:20.3 boxcar homage to a Bob Grandt Narrow Gauge Pictorial shot. Anyway, got on to a neat site at H&H Winner’s Circle which has a HUGE selection of GOOD toy animals, including the elusive RM Sheep.
Much of the site is devoted to Breyer Horses and such, but check Safari and Schleich— damn near anything you could imagine. Size/scale is a bit of a crap shoot, but actual sizes are usually noted, and a bit of extrap. should be easy. Though these animals are darn good, they are toys and a bit heavy in places. The Safari sheep, and others I’ve messed with, are made of rubbery plastic, and are easy to cut-and-reposition, as well as to grind to thinner profiles (ears, legs hooves,etc.) to improve scale. The colors are pretty good, but I need to repaint them per Google Image prototypes, and they take both superglue and Krylon primer very well.
There is also a weird world of human figures, but I haven’t checked sizes. All-in-all, a fun browse.

I found some Lemax cows and horses that were pretty good sized, at 50% off!