Large Scale Central


Hi all, All it does is rain in this damn country anymore , although we did get a couple of days of sunshine this last week so I was able to get some signage done on the carbarn. Do you remember the days when towns painted their names on the roofs of big buildings so air plane pilots could find their way around and know where they were when they saw a town appear on the horizon? With that in mind I stenciled the town name on the roof of the carbarn. I have the other signage made up for the building and hopefully we will get a day of sunshine in the next week or two and I can get the signs on. Sunny California my A–, baaaahhhh There is duct tape over the vent openings in the monitor because it has been raining so hard that water is bouncing up and into the vents. I guess I will have to make some covers to install in the winter to keep the inside dry. Anyway a couple of picts.

If I am able to get the rest of the signs on someday I will post a couple of pictures. Rick

Nice! I like the look

Hey Rick,

The lettering looks great. I feel your pain about all the rain, in fact my friend drove up to Redding to watch his son play baseball this last weekend and Sunday’s game got rained out. He said he loved driving 2400 miles to see one game on Saturday.


Nice looking barn Rick. I love the lettering.

Very cool looking building. Heck there are some people modeling in smaller scales that don’t have a layout as big as your building.

Hey dave,
That’s true :slight_smile:
There is also some modeling in large scale
that don’t have a layout much bigger than the carbarn :):wink:

Wow that looks great. The one close up shot I though I was looking at a full size building.

Hi all, Well after 15 straight days of rain we finally got a little sunshine today, went crazy doing all kinds of stuff outside. One of the things I was able to get done was the signage on the carbarn. here are a couple of pictures. Thanks for taking a look. Rick

And that’s all

Nice looking signs. Did you make those yourself?

Hi Jon,
The large blue letters were done in vinyl by a sign shop. The rest of the stuff was done on my printer using adhesive backed vinyl pages.
Thanks for looking.