Large Scale Central

6th Annual Spring Operating Session - May 3 - 4, 2008

The Kaskaskia Valley Railway will hold its 6th Annual Spring Operating Session on the first weekend of May. This is a change from in the past because of other events, a wedding and the Yardmasters desire to be a little more “Spring Like”. That is May 3 and 4, 2008. We use RailOps software for the control of car movement and radios for dispatching. It is a weekend ops session with both days starting around noon and going until nobody is running trains anymore. Our goal is to run 18 trains to a schedule each day. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes some of the trains have to be annulled or extras have to be added. It is not really as regulated as it may sound, but there is lots of food and its a lot of fun. The live steam track will not be set up for the Spring Ops. We do that in the Fall. If you can make it to 50 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri, you are certainly welcome to join us. There are usually about 35 to 40 people for the weekend. In the past we have had guests coming from other areas, including the IPP&WRR in Ottawa, Canada. For more information contact me at [email protected].

OK Ric -

Call my boss at (203) 748-5100 and explain to him that you have a free training session running that will definitely benefit my job performance. Tell him that I’m willing to pay for travel and lodging and you are willing to pay for the training. All he needs to do is grant me the time to attend without cutting into my vacation or sick time. I’ve got enough sky miles to travel 1st class.

Trying to do all this stuff with only 10 days off a year is getting to be a cramp. I really want to get to the Invasion again this year too, but I can’t stiff my Dad of a promised visit and I’ve already committed to Marilyn and Matt that we will take a real vacation this year. In return, they are willing to go to WV and spend a day at Cass.

Decisions, decisions, decisions :frowning:

Not a problem, what is your boss’s name? I’ll do my “slick willie” salesman’s voice and convince him that you will not only come back with more logistic knowledge, but also with a new found purpose to your position.

I have the same problem of work constantly getting in the way of life.

…funny you should mention the “Invasion”…

For a short while there; I was wondering if the snow would be gon by July, but today I was able to actually work my way to the back of the property. The track is showing through the snow, and hope is there…
They are calling for wet snow on Saturday, but what the heck, we have seen that stuff come and go…!!!

Two weeks and we be “operatin”. Club meeting today and final arrangements are being established.

Somehow I thought it was this weekend. Oh! I’m a week ahead… Still better start planning the outing with Caleb and Ethan.

Ric send me directions. I will be back by then and would love to come see this. I might learn something new and if not then I can see what ideals I can steal from you.

Geoff George said:
Ric send me directions. I will be back by then and would love to come see this. I might learn something new and if not then I can see what ideals I can steal from you.
So done. I also sent you the email, if things don't work right for you. My email is well published, so its not like it is a secret.

[email protected]

Man…I wish I could make it. Maybe next time.

we will be there, kids and all! Last fall was our first, I brought the 2 and 9 year olds and they loved it. Ric set up my 9 year old step son Klay with a rail bus and a schedule. While I chased the 2 year old around. If memory serves me correctly, some kid fell in the pond and got wet feet… :slight_smile:

John Bible said:
we will be there, kids and all! Last fall was our first, I brought the 2 and 9 year olds and they loved it. Ric set up my 9 year old step son Klay with a rail bus and a schedule. While I chased the 2 year old around. If memory serves me correctly, some kid fell in the pond and got wet feet... :)
Heheehe yeah and it wasn't Tom! Man I'd love to be there, but it doesn't look like my work schedule is gonna be accommodating.....Perhaps by Fall........

No time for “Life Guard Duty”, swim at your own risk. Should be going from Noon to whenever, both Saturday and Sunday. Things are coming together, but about this time every year, I don’t feel I’ll get it all accomplished. :wink:

Ric Golding said:
No time for "Life Guard Duty", swim at your own risk. Should be going from Noon to whenever, both Saturday and Sunday. Things are coming together, but about this time every year, I don't feel I'll get it all accomplished. ;-)
Don't worry about a life guard Ric. I'm former Navy I'll make sure to thow them a rock or two so they sink faster. :) Would hate to see anyone suffer.

Alas. Caleb and Ethan won’t make it. As teenagers are wont to do, they find themselves scheduled for something else next weekend.

Batteries are charging and everything is in the final stages of preparation. Weather forecast looks a little dicey at the start and turns into a beautiful day on Sunday. Rain or shine, we run what we can and the event moves forward. Andy comes up tomorrow for final preparation. Reports to follow.

Keep us posted Ric.

I will be there in spirit …:wink:

Weather report for the weekend is Cool, 30% chance of rain Saturday. Partly cloudy Sunday.

My training plan says “50 minute easy jog” for Saturday. I’ve only done “Run/Walk” so far. So if you find a strange guy in red and white laying by the side of the road in Carlyle, please deliver him to Ric Golding.

Sunday 0619 CDST - Yesterday proved far nicer than the forecast that was planned. Totals for the days were 23 trains run, moving 2905 tons of freight and passengers while switching 100 cars. Here are some highlight photos - Ryan is talking to Dispatch, while working a railbus at “Fiddle”


Andy C. marshalls trains as Yardmaster at “Consolidated” as arriving and departing trains prepare for their next moves.


John Bible rests on the sidelines as Klay works the main line at the “Consolidated Yard Limits” headed to “Cat Dump”.


Dave Overall works with his crew of Pamela and Alan at “Beagle Junction”.


Tom Ruby is working the switchback to “KV Cabins” as Denny Karner talks to Dispatch as his train rolls through “Pin Oak”.


Man I wish I coulda been there…mebbe in the fall…

Nice pictures Ric. Your yard looks great this year, Spring is definitely in full bloom in IL. Marilyn noticed the pictures as she walked by and said “cool, that’s Ric & Jans’ house?”

There’s hope yet :slight_smile: