Large Scale Central

3D to the rescue

I toyed with the idea of posting this in the 3D model section , but thought more people would read it here .

A 5 year old child here who was born without fingers on her left hand has had a Prosthetic Hand made by University of Wisconsin engineer Frankie Flood .

Mr Flood received a moulding of her existing hand and arm from the little girl’s parents , then used 3D to make her a working hand ; the newspaper reckons it cost £50 .

To make her proud of this new hand , it has been made in bright pink and looks like a Lego toy almost , the idea being to not make the girl shy of showing it off----they apparently make them with flashing lights or claws , anything to get the hand accepted by other kids .

Clever idea , clever design . This little girl now is able to pick up a drink glass , hold her Teddy Bear , even peel a banana .

I say well done Frankie Flood for having a brilliant imagination .


Here is the hand that Frank Flood made…

And here is Mr. Flood fitting the hand to the little girl…


Thanks very much Joe , the photo really shows what they achieved . Good , isn’t it ?

I tried scanning the news photo , but it was worse than my attempts at photography .


I see your 3d printed hand and raise you a 3d printed skull, surgically inserted INTO a human body

“We can rebuild him, we have the technology.”

This stuff is so cool.

Ya we can, but getting the apportions for the $6M, will take a while, ya know how all those committees work.

Yer as old as I am, then, Dave. :wink:

Mark Dashnaw said:

I see your 3d printed hand and raise you a 3d printed skull, surgically inserted INTO a human body

Aha, plastic instead of rocks in some heads, eh?!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Mark Dashnaw said:

I see your 3d printed hand and raise you a 3d printed skull, surgically inserted INTO a human body

Aha, plastic instead of rocks in some heads, eh?!

Yes, there is hope for you after all :wink:

Mark Dashnaw said:

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Mark Dashnaw said:

I see your 3d printed hand and raise you a 3d printed skull, surgically inserted INTO a human body

Aha, plastic instead of rocks in some heads, eh?!

Yes, there is hope for you after all :wink:

Nah, all those got placed in the garden and when that wasn’t enough I had to go and get some more.

Which was an on-going topic on the track planning forum where most people amuse themselves with “teeny-weeny electric mice” aka N scale.

Mark Dashnaw said:

I see your 3d printed hand and raise you a 3d printed skull, surgically inserted INTO a human body

The way that picture is taken , it looks like a face with a towel over the head .

Which got me thinking . Has anyone produced a prosthetic face out of 3D for badly injured people?

I’ve seen partial ones where a chimpanzee bit someone’s face off and where a bloke got caught in a mine explosion in Afghanistan , but no mention was made of them being 3D .

But given the flexibility (not the rubbery sort) of design available in 3D , it seems a good candidate to help out people with disfigurements .


Mike there are companies that do what your asking

Mark , very interesting and very encouraging for anyone so afflicted .

No more hiding away in a dark room to avoid offending “the public” in whose interest you’ve had your face removed by some explosive device .

It can only be a good thing .
