Large Scale Central

3D sculpting 101

We have had a lot of great tutorials on this site for sculpting with clay. They have inspired many other people on this site to add to the growing collection of miniature figures, but I feel like the lone gunman here and decided that I need to make this video which will hopefully inspire some others to join me in the art of video sculpting.
This video describes the steps I take to build an armature that is compatable with the DAZ3d rigging tool called the transfere utility. The transfer utility takes all the bones and weight maps and automatically transfer them to your mesh. I have rigged several meshes in the past and it is a long process. It can take weeks and months depending on the complexities of your meshes. This tool does all that work for you in 5 minutes, but you have adhere to some strict guidelines. This video will teach you how.
You will need the following applications to get started.
DAZ3d (sometimes free mostly resonably priced)
Meshmixer (free)
Sculptris (free)
Meshlab (free and although not covered in this video, it is an absolutely necessity for getting your mesh ready for the prints, especially if you don’t want to go bankrupt printing your figures out)
Anyway, if this is something you folks are interested in, just let me know. I put together some more videos to help make your digital sculpting experience more rewarding.
Come on in, the water is fine, and right now it’s pretty clean too :wink:
This shows how to sculpt with sculptris. I am using the armature I made in the first video to show how to get the basic form of a female human.