Large Scale Central

36th NGRC 2020 Albuquerque, New Mexico

How about a build log on planning and hosting a National Convention. Well here you go.

This started as an amusing discussion between myself and fellow New Mexico Garden Railroad club members, Doug Porter and Wynn Erdman at the closing banquet in Tulsa last month. Honest none of us had anything to drink. As you know nobody presented for 2020.

Two weeks ago I proposed the idea to a small group of our members at our monthly meeting. It was met with reserved interest. Today (August 5th) I pitched a more detailed description to a slightly larger group. It was received with an encouraging amount of enthusiasm.

The first two hurdles were cleared:

  1. The club will submit the required paperwork and reform as a 501 3C non-profit organization. Something we have been needing to do for a long time.
  2. A five member exploratory committee has been formed to prepare a “straw-man” of the events and needs of a convention along with an initial cost estimate.

We are now seriously on the road to hosting the first ever national level model railroad convention of any kind in Albuquerque.

Those of you that like to plan ahead may want to get your passport request and inoculations started for your visit to the Land of Enchantment.

Wondering what you might see? Keep watching this thread.

Tracks and Trains Under Turquoise Skies… Are you on board!!!

On July 10th, 2017 Locomotive 2926 passed its boiler test.

Tracks and Trains Under Turquoise Skies…Are you on board!!!

I think Albq. would be a great location, a fun place to visit, with a lot to offer.


It would be nice to visit Albuquerque, and get there by train! I’d like to assist if possible. SVGRS hasn’t done a convention in a long time, but we’ve worked with BAGRS on their last one, and hosted a West Coast Regional Meet. Ron Gibson (LGB) may have a suggestion or two as well.

Well everyone I will give you the update. There will be no Convention in Albuquerque. Only three people were willing to work on organizing it and only four were willing to open their layouts for tours.

So what would you have seen:


  • Your choice of a full ride on the Cumbres and Toltec (Antonito to Chama with lunch at Ossier) or a guided walking tour of the shops and facilities at Antonito and Chama


  • Self guided or docent guided tour of the 36 acre APG Award winning Albuquerque Botanical Garden. As featured on the Travel Channel.
  • Lunch at Old Town Plaza. The Center of Albuquerque founded in 1706.
  • Guided walking tour of the 25 acre DAV Award winning New Mexico Veterans Memorial Garden.


  • East Mountain 1/20.3 Layout Tour featuring: Cibola Lumber Company, Two Dogs and Poles RR, Kuhn live steam layout.
  • Clinics: Buildology landscaping, Assorted Technical and Modeling subjects
  • Fried Ice Cream Social featuring live entertainment from Folk Band, Breaking Blue


  • North Forty Layout Tour featuring the 1/29 Rio-Rancho and Southern Pacific, 1/20.3 Live Steam Zia and Columbine and the 1/20.3 Chili Line (which is actually built in Santa Fe on a section of the old Chili Line ROW)
  • Clinics: K&S Service-use and maintenance of power lawn tools, Assorted Technical and Modeling subjects
  • Green Chili Cheese Burger cook out featuring Latin Music Award winning Los Compadres 20 piece Mariachi Band


  • Albuquerque Layout Tour featuring 7 traditional LGB style layouts
  • Clinics: Jack-a-lope- southwestern garden design and decoration, Assorted Technical and Modeling subjects


Your choice of multi-media morning presentation:

  • “Restoration of Locomotive 2926” presented by the 2926 Restoration team"Planting, Growing and Maintaining Dry-land Gardens" presented by the Albuquerque Botanical Garden Education Center
  • Mexican Fiesta Buffet featuring the Acoma Pueblo Sky Dancers

And of course all the other stuff:

  • Vendor Hall
  • Model Contest
  • Swap Meet
  • Local attractions

Now wouldn’t that have been fun?!

…and that is all I am going to say about that.


Well you can’t say you didn’t try. I’m sure it took a lot,of work just to get this far.

A shame Boomer, I guess you and a couple of others are quite disappointed.

However. looking on the bright side I believe that Despicable Me guy lives in Albuquerque - or he said so when asked by Ellen DeGeneres - so he may have turned up and wrecked it all.

after the inital report it sounded like there was a lot of interest in hosting it, too bad that all fizzled into Not me. Would have loved to have had one close by. May try Altanta tnext year or Portland in 2. You did a lot of work Boomer and I am sure it would have been a blast to be there

Bummer, Boomer. Been looking for a reason to do a southwest tour.


So… the question remains… Where will the NGRC be held in 2020?

Russ Miller

Chairman 2016 NGRC

I wish I could get the San Diego club to do it, but we are in the middle of just putting the club back on it’s feet and restoring it to it’s former glory. We have such a great location, and so many layouts, but just have not done a good job… but elections are coming up next month.


I hope your club can get going again.

Your club was very helpful to me when I was first getting into railroading years ago. Someone there was great about answering my questions.

The SDGRS is special to me. It was the first G scale club that I joined (back in the '80s). I hope it gets back to its past form. It had great layouts, good people, and hosted a great Convention. I wish them the very best. I believe all would enjoy a trip to beautiful San Diego.


Well, there’s definitely no lack of things to do here that is for sure. If you have not been here in a while, the model railroad museum is pretty much unbelievable, the HO layouts are enormous and worth the visit alone…


Well RATS, you had a good idea and a wonderful location, plus the oppourtunity to in Narrow Gauge country. To ride the C&TSRR, have a great Lunch, and see the real thing in action. How ever, I know from watching two here in the PNW and being part of one as well, it is allot of work and effort to put a convention on. Two things, you need a good venue (hall) and a number of Hotel rooms and RV sites. I am sorry it did not work out - so far. Still think about it people.


Sounded like a great idea. Sorry it fell through. I was kind of looking forward to removing “The LAST National Garden Railway Convention” from our advertising.