Large Scale Central

2024 Railroad Hobby Show January 27 and 28, 2024

It’s that time of the year ,

2024 Railroad Hobby Show January 27 and 28, 2024

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I’ll be there with NHGRS.

I haven’t been in years. Was way too crowded for me last time I went up, but considering a quick up and back for part of a day.

I probably will not be going too much going on, maybe the spring large scale show

I’m in Jon’s camp here. Too crowded to really see anything.

Don’t that just make you want to set up an alcove and lure new users to the site? :innocent: :sunglasses:

How can it be that crowded as I heard it preached many times that this hobby is dead? Is there another show there as well like a cellphone show or something like that?

It is insane how many people attend this all scale everything train, train show.
The majority are older gents but there are plenty of young families with little kids.

As for the “G” , that seems to be making a comeback but it is still a niche due to the cost and room it takes.
It does get crowded in the afternoon so it is best to get there when it opens to give yourself some shoulder room.

Pre Covid maybe. Certainly not now.

The Railroad Hobby show occupies all of the available buildings (350,000 sf). It’s billed as the largest show in North America but I’ve yet to find one that rivals it anywhere in the world.

So this is the ONE to attend?

It is an awesome show with so much to see. I have been going to it for many years. It is an all scale show spread over 4 buildings and in some years there has been a live steam narrow gauge train setup in the parking lot. The smells and sounds from that puts everyone in the mood as kids of all ages ring the bell and toot the whistle.

The same people that put this show on are trying to get a Large scale only show off the ground. The first one was last year in April. I scored some nice deals at that one.

If you are within range of the show this weekend I would say it is well worth going to.

I have infected my wife with the model RR bug. Tried to convince her we should go but not this time. She is not a traveler, about two hours and she gets restless, it’s a three hour trip for us. She did say we might go to the Large scale show in April, so there is hope.

She’s a lucky woman.

I converted mine too. There is a side effect to our shared hobby, we now have a few “pretty trains” that are in standard gauge that will be travelling through 1890 era narrow gauge towns.

Found this, looks like there is a large scale show this year in April.

Yep. Same group, but a smaller show dedicated to the larger scales. 2024 will be the second annual show. The first show last year was not crowded, but there was a steady stream of attendees with quite a bit to see and buy. I’ll be back for 2024.

And I’m planning on LSC having their Drag n Brag tables there again.


It was a fine show and I came away with some treasures.
It didn’t have as many attendees as I think they had hoped for but it may have been due to the show being on Friday and Saturday. I think this coming show they will have it on Saturday and Sunday.

The drag and brag of LSC was a fun.
I think what would be really neat is to have train races at the show with the best times posted throughout the weekend so a visitor could still compete with the best from Saturday on Sunday.

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I went to the show yesterday and it was hit and miss with the G and what the dealers did have was mostly LGB and it was pricey.
The place was very crowded in the morning. It started to clear out after lunch but was still busy.

The layouts were nice and I met Dan Gilchrist and he showed me his fine custom 3D printed additions to his trains.

It was a good show, very well attended which is great for the hobby as a whole but I walked away empty handed.


It was announced this morning Saturday attendance was a record breaking 15,612 !

Update: Attendance for 2024 = 22,657 at the gate and a total population of 26,157

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That’s good news. Perhaps the hobby isn’t dying after all. Glad I got into the LSC before you guys tighten up the membership requirements! Ha!