Large Scale Central

2022 MIK's Build Challenge

So ends the forth of the allocated 5 weekends for MIK 2022…

7 short days to stick on all the little bits and pieces…

Now is not the time to Devon it… enough days left to get to the end…

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Where did the time go?? My build is getting close to completion and I should be able to finish but I have seen how many have already finished while others need to make a push.
Will we have any late night scramblers in the waning hours this year?

Don’t Devon it? But Devon is done. And has been. :laughing:

so, for the first time, Devon didn’t devon, Devon did it ! cant wait for the beauty shots!


Turn the heat up… And get er done!!!

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Last 48 houra to go…

I’ve given up hope that I’ll finish in 48 hours…

I might get the building done but not any of the other details that still need to be built.

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It’s done for contest purposes at whatever point you say it’s done. I want to add a base with the telegraph pole and wires to mine before it moves to the layout, but the basic structure is done (except paint) and I’ll enter as a finished model assuming I get it painted!

My plan for the contest was to complete the roof, painting and final details like the loading dock ,etc.

I’ll weather it after. I’m pretty sure I can get the painting done. I’ve only got the short walls left, and I might be able to get the roof done. I’ve just got to cut the strips and lay them down.

It will come down to how much time I can get in today vs after the kids go to bed.

Good luck Craig! And wherever you finish, I’ll consider it the goal you always had in mind for this! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grin:

Are we supposed to report here that we’re done? If so, I’m done.

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Hey I still got 36 or so hours…


it’s now noon int the mountain time zone… that gives 12 hours or less to the East and 13 to the West and the Hawaii mob has 2-3 more then that… until “All Done” bell goes off…

Nows not the time to super Glue your fingers together putting the little bits on.

OK a few more hours for an all nighter if you must…

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For once, I am finished - and ahead of schedule :sunglasses: Tyryng to get some good completion shots today.

did that last week. with locktite no less.

I also am unable to attend this year, fingertips are still in the somewhat numb state but getting better and hoping to return to my mini heisler project + have had some serious problems with flooring at the homestead so like the say on the shark tank, “I’m out” * like jim also wil be in the peanut gallery, Bill


Sean brought up a question in the voting thread that I think really is a good question that should be addressed.

“how does 3D printing fit into the cost?”

Well what are the “rules” of MIK when it comes to pricing? If you have it on hand prior to Jan 1st, then it doesn’t count against your cost. If you have a bottle of paint on hand prior to Jan 1st, do you count the paint used in your cost, no. If you have a nice supply of styrene sheet on hand prior and you use it does it count against your cost, no. If you have wood, glue, whatever prior to the start and you use it does it count against your cost, no.

If you buy a large bottle of paint and use only a fraction of it, do you count the entire thing against your cost or only what portion of it you figured you used? I personally bought $40 dollars worth of paint this year. But used about 1/10th of it at most. I threw a few bucks in my cost for what I used.

So 3D printing. It cost about $30 bucks or so for a liter of resin. I have no idea what filament costs. Now if you have resin and filament on hand prior to Jan 1st, why would it count against you? It would be no different than paint, glue, or any other consumable. If you buy some after the fact then I would say just like paint you add in what you use. I used about 1/100th of a liter in my project. So had I not had it on hand and bought some sure I would kick in the 30 cents I spent on resin.

The MIK, as I have always understood it, was using what you had on hand to make something. MIK was known for participating in the hobby with limited means using what he had to create things so he could be a part of the hobby. The hobby of modeling is evolving. Many of us are embracing these new technologies in our modeling. We don’t buy this stuff so we can make killer models just for the MIK challenge. We buy this stuff with our means so that we can be involved in the hobby in a way that works for us and makes it enjoyable for us. When the MIK comes around, I for one, will use the items, techniques, and resources I have to make what I want. And when it comes to the pricing, well there should be no penalty placed on technology. If you have it you have it, if you don’t you add the cost of the stuff you use. Regardless of the technology you are using.

Remember rule #1. Have fun. Ham stringing those of us embracing the technology because we have it and someone else may not is not fun for us. Okay I get it, if you don’t have the tech then it may not be fun for those who don’t. BUT!!! look at Cliff and Ricks build. One using the tech one went old school. Both had fun, both made excellent models. Did Todd have less fun than me because I printed my tank and he went all out MIK and made his with a can and a funnel.

At the end of the day 3D tech in the MIK world will take its place. And the judges will judge whether it should be used or not.

But as for price, it should be regarded the same as any other consumable.

When I mentioned this should be taken to a new thread, I was hoping that the thread would not materialize till after the MIK voting was done JMHO YMMV :sunglasses:

Sorry David. But it has been on my mind. Not so much the cost but using the tech. I flop back and forth and not just when it comes to the MIK. I have gone from calling it cheating to fulling embracing it. Thats just in general.

Then it comes to MIK. And I fully appreciate the spirit and nature of the original challenge. Where it was a scrap bin build. Using unconventional materials (garbage if you will) that people have on hand to make usable items.

So how do we do it? Do we say you can’t use such and such technology? Do we say you can’t use any brand new materials? Where do you draw these lines? Should people (like me) who have deep junk bins, large stocks of materials, 3D printers and Vinyl cutters, refrain from using it? Did MIK avoid these things because he didn’t want to use them or did he just not have the resources to use them? Would he have used them if he could have used them? I was not around for the original challenges. I never participated in one when he was alive. So I can’t say? By limiting it, by taking these things out of the equation, you are going to alienate some people who use these things to create and don’t want to make things with tin cans and scrap wood. Do we want to limit or expand? Do we want to be all inclusive or do we want this to be only for a certain subset of modelers.

I was drawn to this challenge because of the scrap bin, use whatever you have, nature. I like the “make something out of a toilet paper roll” challenges. But I also like where Dave has taken this where he says build something for the ROW and have fun. This opens the challenge up to potentially more people.

Here is what I personally keep coming back to. Rule #1- make something and have fun. If you are the Mueller clan building great models out of craft sticks and foam great. If you are Cliff making a largely 3D printed tech great. If you are me who fell in the middle, great. Did the Mueller clan have fun? Did Cliff have fun? Did I have fun?

I don’t know. We seem to do this every year. We seem to have a conversation one way or another about whether we are doing it right or doing it wrong. i won’t ever stop doing it. Because at the end of the say I answer to me. Lets let the judges judge based on whatever criteria they see fit. If they don’t like 3D tech then they will vote against it. If people like it they will vote for it. But by questioning it every single year it starts to get to be no fun for anyone.

Before everyone got long winded, I was just going to post “See Rule 1”

Please refrain… at this time… for further discussion on this topic until I can start an open discussion dealing with this, after the completion of Mik 2022 this year.

Dave T.