Bruce Chandler said:
Greg Elmassian said:
I’m a little confused about the NMRA mention, as I do not see them as ever being very involved or helpful. Likewise I am in Z scale and similarly ignored.
But how the NMRA affects our hobby is nil in my estimation, this is a unique blend of gardening and outdoor life and trains, and the “slider” can move anywhere between a sophisticated garden with a loop of track to a complex operations layout with little regard for plants, to whatever you want.
But getting new members means you need to attract them somehow, and look at the changing desires of new, younger people.
I got a call last night from our volunteers at the Fair, and it appears that we will not have hit our goal of increasing membership by 50%, but we will have doubled our membership. The garden show is definitely a venu where we get that mixed crowd of people that like the outdoors and garden aspects.
Well, I guess my math skills just aren’t what they used to be as that statement doesn’t make any sense to me at all. You have doubled your membership, yet failed to increase it by 50%? The other way around, I could understand, but I am struggling with this one. If membership is X…then your goal was 1.5X…but all you attained was 2X? I do NOT understand.
I suspect I just need a couple more beers? (
I left our local club, because all they wanted to do was run shows…and when they got to a show, they just wanted to socialize with each other, not the guests. When I brought in a model I was especially proud of, nobody said one thing about it - neither good nor bad. Yes, I felt out of place.
Yes, that is my gripe about the NMRA group I belong to.
As for bringing in models, I get mixed responses. My gas station went over like a fart in church, but my bridge got a lot of interest.