Large Scale Central

2019 NGRC Clinics

Clinics are always a big part of any GR Convention. We would like to have the best selection of clinics possible in Portland next year. To that end, we would like to hear from you, the attendees, what you would like to see in clinics. We already have some vendors lined up to present their products. Are there particular topics you want covered? Scenery, landscaping, model building, kit-bashing, etc? Please let us know.

Also, if you feel you have a topic you are passionate about and would like to share your knowledge and present a clinic, we want to hear from you. As long as it is somehow related to Garden Railroading, we would love to consider you. Electronics, model making, scenery, whatever, let us know.

We would like to hear from you as soon as possible. Drop me a note at [email protected] with your ideas. We want to make the last National Garden Railway Convention the best one ever.

the last National Garden Railway Convention



To date, nobody has shown an interest in hosting an NGRC in 2020 or beyond. It takes at least a couple years of planning to put one of these on. Any decent venues are booked 2-3 years in advance. There are lots of things to arrange for, decisions to make, advertising, etc. It all takes time. It is a big commitment for any group and needs a fair amount of up front money. Your best hope is to break even. I know there has been lots of discussion with the big clubs at the last couple conventions. None have shown any desire to do it.

So, yes, unless something approaching miraculous happens, 2019 will be the last National Garden Railway Convention. And I would love to be proven wrong on this.

Glad you woke up David… now you can go back to sleep. (

Really? This is news to you? This has been a concern for over a year.


Okay then.