More progress, not enough, but more.
Ran into an immediate problem. My deck from the mining office to the bridge was the wrong height, off by a full inch…so much for my measuring skills. The good news is it’s my world and I can carve through “mountains” at will, as you can see in the second picture, and now the height is perfect, see the third picture.

So now for some stairs. There is no way in hell I would be able to cut the risers out of wood, I just don’t have the right equipment or something for it, so I looked around for something that I could cut easily and found cardboard backs of drawing pads…strong and can be cut with good scissors.

Here’s the platform between the two levels of stairs under construction:

And here’s the first set in place:

So now it was time to do it all over again for the second run of stairs, together with a platform to match the mountain height of the hoist mechanism that lifts the ore out of the mine.

Except the platform doesn’t fit. Great. Oh, well, I’ll use it somewhere else. Here’s how it came out,modified:

I moved the stairs I already built for the lower level up to the level of the hoist to get the workers from the hoist to the mine. Now I got to get from the mine to the other mines above everything on the “wall” which will become a rock face shortly.
So I made a ladder based on one of the suggestions from one of the fellas here…you drill holes in the side parts of the ladder, you drill them both at the same time on both sides so they match up perfectly, and then you stick toothpicks or something through the holes; in this case, I used skewers I had left over from the job at CSU I did. I am very happy with the outcome, and I need another one of these to go to the next level and I will do one without using any glue at all. My first attempt rather failed because the wood I was using split from the drilling holes, but I found a piece of oak wood and it held up:

So here’s an overview of where I’m at:

Thanks again for taking a look. I feel good about the progress I’ve made, including doing some repainting of the rock faces, and, all in all, I’m more or less satisfied. And finally I’m getting on to the level that holds the stairways to heaven. Yay.
We got plenty of time left, right?