Good day - I will be presenting a seminar (for the 13th time!) at this year’s ECLSTS in York this Friday - the seminar starts at 10:00 and should run about 2 hours
The description is below. If you would like to have a more detailed sneak preview my PowerPoint slides are here:
Hope to see some of you this year
Friday,March 30th
Join Dave Bodnar and explore how easy it can be to use microcontrollers and other simple electronic devices to enhance your railroad. We’ll look at circuits you can build with the PICAXE and Arduino families of microcontrollers and how a laser cutter and/or a 3D printer can be an excellent and exciting addition to your workshop.
We’ll also explore a new homemade smoke generator that really puts out and create some thunder & lighting!
Don’t miss all of this and the usual array of tips, tricks, tools and gizmos & gadgets that can animate and add excitement to your railroad!