My alias is Daktah John, and this is my first time here at Challenge Builder’s Anonymous. Yes, I have some modeling and scratch building experience, but I have not participated in this group before.
For my Mik Challenge, I chose to build a Passenger Shelter to go with the small station on my railroad at Wall. The structure, with the exception of the PVC base and Aluminum (tin) roof , was built entirely from Clear Cedar cut from post scraps. Sorry, not true. The braces are made from modified slices of crown moulding purchased for the project. My cash outlay was $21 which also included paint and glue.
The shelter structure is based on the shelter at the Danbury Railway Museum in Connecticut. Prototype photos can be seen in my build thread located here: http://www.largescalecentral.com/forums/topic/24879/mik-2016-buld-log-daktah-john-cvsry
Enough chit-chat - Lets take a look. Here it is, on it’s temporary base sitting in a temporary location on my indoor track…
Here Sven holds up the sign that he was supposed to hang last night before sunrise. I went to bed and left him to it. I should have known better…
I love this detail shot…
A longer end view. The remaining tin sits on a flat ready to be delivered to the next job site…
So there you have it. I’m really glad I decided to participate this year. It gave me interest in closely following everyone’s builds and, as usual, I got lots of great feedback from LSC members as my build progressed. It was the most fun I’ve had in the dead of winter in a long time. Rule #1 accomplished (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-cool.gif)
Finally, I just want to give a huge thank you to Dave Taylor for keeping Mik’s legacy alive and managing this challenge year after year.