Large Scale Central


What are the dates for the show?

Geoff Ringle said:

What are the dates for the show?

3/27 - 3/28

52 days to go Geoff: keep saving your pennies. Laughing

Thanks guys, the official ECLSTS site is flagged as infected by my virus software.

I use Bitdefender a/v, which gets very good reports. It did not flag any warning for me.

I will be interested if others get a warning: if so I will let Harry know.

41 days and counting… just saying…


Kevin, Is that Buffalo snow going to melt in the next 41 days for you to get out?

Robert Pesti said:

Kevin, Is that Buffalo snow going to melt in the next 41 days for you to get out?

I may need to bring out the rotary, Bob!


Hmmmm. Now when I click on the 2015 ECLSTS on the right side, I get a blank page!

OK - I finally made the commitment. My piggy bank is full enough to pay for a couple of nights at Motel 6 (Formerly Red Roof). It was a good place to sleep when it was red roof. Not so sure it will be now. They took out all the carpet and painted the room with colors you don’t want to wake up to after a night of partying…

Who needs coffee when you wake up to that…(


Is that place in the final count, that much less expensive than the old Holiday INN at $90, including a FULL breakfast, and being there for the D&B, plus being closer to the fair grounds ?


That seams to be motel 6’s new decor standard, the simulated wood floors are a little slippery in my experience, but as i always say i am just there to sleep for the night, i do not want to buy the bed. BTW they are all starting to charge you $2.99 a night for WiFI.

Al P.

Daktah John said:

OK - I finally made the commitment. My piggy bank is full enough to pay for a couple of nights at Motel 6 (Formerly Red Roof). It was a good place to sleep when it was red roof. Not so sure it will be now. They took out all the carpet and painted the room with colors you don’t want to wake up to after a night of partying…

Looks rather spartan. As long as it’s clean, who cares what decor they have. Must say, hard surface floors are much cleaner than carpeting.

Hey Fred - Yes. When you are on my budget the difference between $90/night and $60/night is signigficant. I can get breakfast at DD for less than $10 so I’m still spending $40 less for the weekend to put toward gas or a opurchase at the show.

Besides - the old HI is sold out as far as I know.

The “Drag and Brag” is setup to be in the “Susquehanna Room” in the old Holidome, aka Wyndham Hotel on Loucks Rd. in York, Pa.

Hours reserved are from 4pm to 11pm

Please come and enjoy, bring your own refreshment and anything you want to show off.

It is the “Drag and Brag”, not the LSC Flea Market. Please try to keep that in mind.

This room does cost money and donations will be accepted.

To add to Ric’s notes on the “Drag and Brag” on Friday night. It is at the Susquehanna Room at Wyndham Garden, at 2000 Loucks Road. This used to be the Holiday Inn Holidome. The hours are from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. It is basically the same as last year, with ice for drinks. The bar is right next door if you want to order a drink and bring it in. We are paying for this room, so donations would be appreciated. This is a time to show off, or brag, on what you have been doing for the last year and get to know and meet the people who you have been communicating with on LSC.

Just to add a comment about the picture I saw above. If you are bringing your wife this week-end, you will be making more points with her if you stay at the Wyndham Garden than the Motel 6. It might be worth it. (


Beware, Vinnie has his boxcab done and he is bringing it to the show!!!

You have been forwarned!!!

Can’t wait to see you all at the show.

Jan Golding said:

Just to add a comment about the picture I saw above. If you are bringing your wife this week-end, you will be making more points with her if you stay at the Wyndham Garden than the Motel 6. It might be worth it. (

We will be addending the D&B, but we opted for a hotel that had a jacuzzi in our room, so we are at the Comfort Inn

Jan Golding said:

Just to add a comment about the picture I saw above. If you are bringing your wife this week-end, you will be making more points with her if you stay at the Wyndham Garden than the Motel 6. It might be worth it. (

We will be addending the D&B, but we opted for a hotel that had a jacuzzi in our room, so we are at the Comfort Inn