Large Scale Central


Thank you Ken, Dave, and all! It was a great pleasure to talk with you guys! I bent Ken’s ears off. Really made me feel like part of the gang. Wish I lived nearby.

My girl gets mad and can’t wait to leave. She has to get to see the grandkids. So for only the second time being there over like ten years, I still was rushed to get out the door. I needed to see a MTH Big boy that I forgot about and never went back to Charles Ro’s to get the Auto cars, or even just some wheels and parts.

There were some cool finds there like an LGB Genesis wave scheme and even a AML K4!! I wanted to spend at least a whole day there. I missed the Friday events and then missed out leader… well Dave R was there so…

BTW, his Amtrak Superliner was great to hold. I never realized how solid it was built yet with great detailing. Has some mass to it!

I got to much to say and I’m suffering travel fatigue! Names are escaping me right now.

There were the custom build flat cars on a layout with some modern military loads like a pair of Abrams tanks and more. I was speaking with the builder of the custom flats and was also introduced to the owner of the company who supplied them (gal line). I was impressed!!! I need those flats too!

This trip adds even more things on my bucket list like going to Ro’s headquarters, and several other stores and manufacturers. It’s too easy now to just click a button and the stuff ships to your door. It’s a great pleasure to meet all the people behind these sites. Even the guys from Accucraft joked about the price of the Cab forward. They took great interest hearing replies about their line-up. I’m crazy about their bethgons! I had hoped to see the high cubes and a GP60.

I guess the main point should be to thank all the people for the effort to set that all up. Some serious amount of equipment there. I wanted to spend time with them all. I need to learn more about Airwire for example so I can run more year round.

Sorry to take so long posting the pictures up. If you go into “Albums”, and look for “2015 ECLSTS”, you will find the mug shots I took this year to add to the ones from last year. I apologize to those of you I still did not get to.

Here’s a couple of shots of the activity in the Alcove:

Andy’s playing with trains. We did not have to pay Ken to pose like that.

I can’t tell who was lecturing in this picture.

Here is Rooster’s extremely well done Business Car.

Speaking of Roosters…

Here he is trying to get a free ticket. The ladies in the Ticket Booth loved him, but no free ticket.

Here he is trying to convince Scott he lost his ticket.

Visiting the New Hampshirers.

Boy, that’s a big one! Washington, Virginia & Maryland Garden Railway.

Who do I see here about a ride?

Wait! How about a ride?

Susquehanna Valley Garden Railway Society.

Visiting Stan Cedarleaf at his - wait, what?

Stan and Rooster in a very serious moment.

Can I get a ride out of here on this thing?

I have more pictures of the festivities, but I need to download them off of my phone. I will do that unless I am working on trains.