An event was once again held to celebrate the friendships we have all created from this thing they call the Internet. Pictures are in the other postings about this 2014 event.
This tradition started with guys and gals that attended the early ECLSTS’s gathering in Father Fred’s room with scratch built and kitbashed models displayed on the desk and JW Dundee’s Honey Brown Lager obtained from a local distributor and iced in the bath tube.
The 2014 Drag and Brag was once again a great success. Maybe not as memorable as the early ones gathered in someone’s room, the attached suite, the borrowed room after someone else used it during the day ( In fact that may have been the Susquenna Room), the hotel bar with the gals from the bowling convention, Vogel playing his tuba or the Board Room at the other Holiday Inn (maybe the most memorable one). But for the last 2 years, we have been in the Susquenna Room and we will reserve it again for next year.
This may be the best part of the whole weekend.
Just a side note. The room cost total was $159.00. Because of all your genorosity, we were able to pay that bill and will donate the additional $86.00 collected to the Ottawa Humane Society through Gordon Bellamy, one of the founders of the original Drag and Brag from the very early days, maybe 2003.
Those that have attended the American Invasions understand the tradition of the jar always on the table at the IPP&WRR for donations to Gordon and Fern’s passion for the Ottawa Humane Society. Please trust me, that this is a worthy cause supported by very dedicated people.
Your support is greatly appreciated.