Large Scale Central

2013 "Drag and Brag" Disbursement of Funds

Hi All,

Just to let everyone know where their money went.

Money collected - $215.00

Cost of Room - $159.00

Donation to Gordan Bellamy for the OVGRS Humane Society Fund* - $56.00, US

  • For those of you that attend the American Invasion or have attended Saturday Ops Sessions & Work Sessions on the IPP&WRR, there is always a tip jar on the table. Usually a small amount of money is added each time by those attending and many time the Americans will leave their Canadian change here, rather than trying to convert it back. Gordon always makes sure that this money is donated to a local Humane Society where he and his wife volunteer. Since many of us consider the Drag & Brag an extension of our Summer Fun, Jan and I felt this was the best way to resolve any additional funds. All donations were greatly appreciated to help offset any costs for the room and services.

For those of you wishing to receive a receipt to turn in for your taxes for this donation. Please check further down this page.

Yeah, right!

Thanks, Ric and Jan, for taking up the slack and looking after all this so well. I have spoken to Fred, and he liked the idea of calling it the High Temple of the Branch Railroadians.

I’m glad the finances were adequate for the expenses, and likewise, I also say thanks to everyone who contributed their share to the pot.

Many people have commented that this was the best ECLSTS ever, and that certainly goes for the D&B as well. Well done!