Large Scale Central

2013 ECLSTS: 1st place self-powered

This is my winning entry at ECTSTS 2013 in the “Self-Propelled” category.

I kitbashed a broken Bachman combine: Aristo power truck in the front raised up into the floor 1/4" to get the proper ride height, the boiler is from a Bachman skidder, louvers built on the door’s window between coach and boiler, modified a cowcatcher and fastened it to a beam on the truck, built the front of the cab with sheet plastic, painted the interior and added figures, replaced the handrails, added the cat-walks to provide access to the smokestack,installed a water tank with filler on the port side, and much more.

Dave Funk helped with the paint scheme, decals and wiring the headlight and interior lights.

This was a fun project, loosely modeled after a few photographs of a USMRR Steam Car taken in 1865 used for troop and supply transport.

Also; Congratulations to David Russel, for his First Prize Entry.

Photos aren’t showing for me. Odd, but I can see them in the editor.

Edit out the img tags.


Working now :slight_smile:

Congratulations Dave!

Congratulations David. That is a great looking model. I don’t know how it can both be that we are both hanging around the same area and not see each other but I missed seeing you (again?) this year.

I was there most of the day on Friday Jon. I was sitting over with Craig Weaver’s Circus train display when I wasn’t drooling over all the neat toys in the other room. Sorry we missed each other again!

David, congratulations on the prize winning build. I also missed you at the show. May I ask what the round door? is, just outside the baggage door? Is that the water tank filler ? Very unusual prototype.

You guessed right Dave. The water tank and ash pan are barely visible in the photos. I left a lot to the imagination.

The engine cylinders on the prototype I started modeling were mounted on the outside of the truck frame. I started to build the cylinders, but to get them to actually look to be operating was ‘above my pay grade’. Instead I saw a later prototype steam car that mounded the engine behind and centered on the front truck. You have to use your imagination to see it.


This is what I started with.

Now I remember that pic from a while back.

Congratulaions on your well-deserved win! Neat modelling, and the painting and lettering both look really fine…

Way to go, David;