Large Scale Central

2012 National Garden Railway Convention

I am thinking of going to this years convention in the Chicago area in July.

Is this worth while?

Is anyone going?

Nice write up the Garden Railways Mag for June.

I guess no member from Chicago use this forum.

Have not been to any Conventions in a few years.

That’s the same weekend as the American Invasion of the OVGRS.

Come on up!

I’d choose the Invasion.

I am choosing the invasion… hopefully

Ah, the convention is in August, not July…

Bob McCown said:
Ah, the convention is in August, not July...
The Invasion is still a good choice! :D

Hey Dennis, lots of worthwhile things to see, Illinois Railway museum is incredible, the Botanic is well worth it, you can go yourself instead of the tour and spend more time there. I live about 45 minutes from there, my son and I will go a couple of times, it is in Pheasant Run outside of Chicago.

I did e-mail the person who takes care of registration, I thought it is very expensive, but I will go once because it is close, my humble opinoin is Martys or Ricks is worth more for meeting people and running trains.

Tom h