The assembled masses at the 2007 NGRC have selected Chicago to host the 2012 NGRC and Cincinatti to be the 2013 site for the NGRC…
I guess the south will never rise to the occasion again.
…and Canada can’t provide snow for “Snow ploughing operations” at the time of the year people attend GR Conventions…
Besides there are few large dealers or manufacturers who would set up displays up here due to the hassel crossing the border.
We do have great facilties up here that could host all the activities; even in Ottawa; but I don’t ever expect to see any group wealthy enough to risk trying to host a NGRC up here.
As far as my attending another NGRC is concerned…I don’t see it happening. I’ll possibly get to York some year in the future, for the ECLSTS, if it survives another year, but my only interest is small shows like the one in Syracuse, for the future.
After the latest reports from Vagas…I’m glad I didn’t go…
Fred Mills said:I don't know what reports you heard, but I had a great time. All in all , I'd say there were many outstanding layouts.
After the latest reports from Vagas......I'm glad I didn't go.......
Great to hear good news, Ken…I hear you have a picture for me…did you kidnap her for me…!!!
Looks like it was a good convention and “true to scale”, also.
This must have been a popular Stop on the RR tour as I’ve seen this gal posing with several other folks. Later RJD
Hmmmm, five years before it gets back East of the Mississippi. I’ll probably be out of the notion by then !
At our four club tour yesterday there were a number of the Cincinnati club members were in attendance. When asked what they thought about them hosting the 2013 convention one of them commented that a number of them hoped they wouldn’t be around by then