Large Scale Central

2011 Invasion Pix

First up was a stop at Doug Mathesons on Thursday afternoon. After an hour’s drive when I left the house I realized I’d forgotten my battery chargers and had to go back and get them. After this fiasco, the drive went smoothly and I arrived at Dougs at about 3:30 without even any problems at Customs (which was very unusual). After a round of getting acquainted with those in attendance and shooting the bull for a few minutes, Doug was very anxious to see how well the K-27 would perform on his layout and after acquiring about 10 cars from his car shed, she steamed around the layout and found one or 2 problem spots which were easily corrected.

We then all sat down for a fine meal that Doug and his wife had prepared and relaxed for the evening. Then it was on to Fred’s. The work that the OVGRS crews had gotten done after the tree incident was very impressive and the changes to the layout were readily apparent to some 0f us regulars. John Spencer and Colin, the yardmaster at Bell, bring Johns train into the yard.

New and improved Nelson Yard…

Don Howard gets his live steam mason Bogie, the “San Juan” ready on the steam up track in Craig Leigh. What a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. Gaeton also had one of these in the sparky version, which he hadn’t converted to batteries yet.

Roger Caizza worked the yard at Fir Grove, which is usually worked by Ralp Dipple, who couldn’t attend this year due to health problems. The yard there is named in his honor.

Henk and Gordy discuss the schedule at Nelson Yard, while Bud relaxes.

Bill Seabrooke works Peter’s Pond with his Annie.

Gaeton and Nichole do some switching in Mt. Saint Helen’s.

The usually reliable yard master in Craig Leigh, Ric , get’s another train ready to go.

And, the beast crosses the bridge at Blockhouse.

When the rest of the “Invaders” arrive home I’m sure they’ll be more pix and commentary. We had a beautiful weekend and the weather and hospitality could not have been better, I’d like to thank the entire crew of the OVGRS for a great weekend. Well done, gents!

It is good to hear of your safe arrival at home, Ken. Thank you for your friendship and particapation…you contributed greatly to the successful Invasion.

By the way, you left seconds before I got to the door, after brushing my teeth…!!

Great Pics! Thanks.

Some day…

Steve Featherkile said:
Great Pics! Thanks.

Some day…

Now’s the time to start planning for next year!

Already put it on the calendar for next year. Haven’t been in a long while, we’re due again…

Thanks for the pics Ken. Good to hear all went well, and a good time was had.


Nice pictures & commentary Ken. Thanks!

Very nice Ken. That K27 looks great.

Fine shots Ken. I enjoyed my vicarious sojourn on the IPP&W thanks to you. That’s a great group of guys up there for sure. And…Doug’s sure got a beautiful setting for his RR too doesn’t he?

Colin Churcher has a blog with a few pictures and videos:

Thanks for posting the pics Ken. I ans sure it was a great time for all and the weather seemed to be kind to you all. I like the coal hoppers - one of my favorite cars. lol

Ken Brunt said:
Colin Churcher has a blog with a few pictures and videos:

Thaks for the link Ken. Another great group of pics, and pics of the host groups.

Bruce Chandler said:
Steve Featherkile said:
Great Pics! Thanks.

Some day…

Now’s the time to start planning for next year!

I have to convince my lovely bride. :stuck_out_tongue:

Steve Featherkile said:
I have to convince my lovely bride. :P
Steve, I believe you once stated it was better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission :D If you didn't say it, you should have ;)

Great pictures, wish I could have joined in the fun.

Wondrous stuff indeed.

We missed you all.

tac & the fambly ig

Thanks for the pictures Ken. It was good to see all you guys again. Times were great.

I will be working on my pictures and videos this weekend.

Henk van Zijl