Large Scale Central

2010 Invasion photos

Rather than eat up Bob’s bandwidth I have made a page of photos that can be found here…

Enjoy !

Gary, wonderful collection of photo’s… Thanks for posting…

Thanks for the pics Bro Looks like a wide assortment of enjoyment was had

Thanks for the post Gary. Some very interesting shots indeed and what a fine collection of Canadian rolling stock is to be seen.

Great pictures. Thanks Gary - I actually recognized a few of those unsavory characters :smiley:

Good idea!
Great shots guys!

tks for the post… Nice to see other train runs photos…Looked like a fun train run. :cool:

Jon Radder said:
Great pictures. Thanks Gary - I actually recognized a few of those unsavory characters :D
Me too!!

Very nice photos Gary and they complement Bruce’s very well too giving some different perspectives of the railroad. The only reservation I have is the “obviously posed” photo of the guys BS’ing. Railroaders don’t BS in real life do they? I’ve met some of them and they are no more likely to BS than…I am! :wink: hehe!

Thanks much for sharing these photos. I really enjoyed them.

Thanks Gary, great photos, can never have enough of a good thing. Keep all those pictures coming !

Thank you Gary for your pictures of the third day featuring the standard gauge operations. Unfortunately we have very few pictures of the third day in our web site article on “The Invasion”. With your permission, I would like to post a link directly to your web site in the article for the third day so people can view them.

I am also grateful that there are no pictures of Jim Hendricks and I spending hours trying to sort out the puzzle of trains numbers 67 and 68 on that day! We were even more frustrated than Colin Churcher and Gaetan Charette were the day before.

Train 67 runs from Nelson Yard up to Rat Portage Yard. The yard at “Rat” is at best a time-saver puzzle; and at worst a Rubik’s Cube.

Train 68 runs from Rat Portage through Bellamy and Glen Hammond back to Nelson Yard. At Bellamy there are several facing point moves that frustrate even the more experienced crews.

Ric Golding, have you got your ears on? I know you like a good challenge. Next year you have to try these two trains. With your time-saver experience, you may fare better than the rest of us.

BTW: Rat Portage is an infamous historical point on the Canadian Pacific Railway. As the story goes; crews laying track through Northern Ontario were setting records until they reached the Lake of the Woods and the saloons and brothels of Rat Portage. There the railway stopped. When the CPR had them shut down, they moved off shore to Whiskey Island. Construction of the CPR railway to Winnipeg resumed. Rat Portage is now the City of Kenora.

I really do need to get out of Craig Leigh and run some trains. The problem is, I’m having too much fun with the constant switching at the destination / assignment area to venture far. Love to do it, we just need more time, more ops, more switching and life would be perfect.