I have no basis for any ad hominem attacks or generalizations of any scientists.
Former VP Al Gore is no scientist, but he does have established various corporations that accept “carbon offset” funds which may be a mandated penalty for using carbon based fuel, etc in the foreseeable future. His multi-million dollar 10,000 SF home which uses 20 times the national average kWh, claims he lives “carbon neutral” because he buys “carbon offsets” … from himself. There is one money trail.
Oil companies have a stranglehold on Congress (mostly under Democratic control for all but 4 of the past 50 years) which suppress the “clean coal” legislation, deny construction of nuclear power plants and generally use oil as a geopolitical weapon against Russia and China.
Carbon dioxide is NOT the source of global temperature changes, but temperature changes are affected by the amount of dihydrooxide in the atmosphere and solar activity (which decreased until 2008 and is now on the increase of a typical 11 year cycle).