Large Scale Central

2 short tunnels

My daughter Sara was of the opinion that I NEEDED a tunnel… or two. Covered bridges just weren’t good enough. Soooo, I started on a couple VERY short ones between rain showers this evening. They are each a whopping 16" long so far. I might extend the one another 8" yet, I haven’t decided. Tunnel #1 - at Giant gnome farm. A view block to help hide the return loop.

I rearranged the rock cap after this pic was taken, but by then it was too dark to take a photo

Tunnel #2 - at Hitch Gap I may decide extend this one, and hide the hitch under a planter…

Gotta go get more rocks tomorrow or Friday…

Better check the height. Pictures make them look a little low. Most clearances ought to be a minimum of 11" to accommodate steam locomotives with unusually high stacks.


You will need nice portals. Look at my Picassa web page and see the portals on my RR which are carved using a lightweight insulation building block.

Easy to work - but quite dusty so take care where you saw or carve.

Nice spider coop you have there Mik.

As I said, I re-did the cap rocks… It still needs some final adjustments, and yes, a portal on the front side.


The other one was good, as laid out.