Sold and I think the new owner is happy
If it helps York Pa. Richard
Looks like it is now sold
David, thanks again. Great to see you, as always.
I’m thrilled with the new track. It allows me to move forward with planning and prepping for my big (for me) layout extension. Guys, here’s what 1,100’ of track looks like (gulp!):
And folks, please let him know if you’re interested in what he’s currently selling (e.g., the amazing Aristo cars), or will be. Like steam locos, circus trains, NIB Western Maryland hoppers, tons of stuff.
Cliff, did you just say But wait, there’s more…?
Does Linda know her unfulfilled desire for her craft room to be connected to the mainline may actually come to fruition?
Bill, there’s probably enough track to connect all the back yards in our neighborhood…
But no, Linda wants at least her hobby spaces railroad-free.
Did you buy any wood to build your trestles?
I can’t wait for this…
Thanks Neil! I plan to start excavating right after I finish the trestles.
Which is supposed to happen this spring. Seriously, Sean.
Here’s the planned layout extension… the lower half in the following. The yard in the middle is intended to rest on a shelf beneath the center tower deck area. The circles are on a 20’ grid that I staked out with rebar stakes several years ago for use as surveying datums.
Hollywood, I’m proud of myself that I unloaded the Santa Fe and inventoried maybe 2/3 of the curves. Here’s the remainder, mostly the 5’ and 6’ straights.
Linda owns the garage now, and even the red cart I’m stowing the track on (she uses it to transport her booth structure for yarn shows). Until the spring though, I’ve a fair chance of her not noticing any of this.
Just kidding… She’s fine with it for now. Got it all off the cart and sorted by manufacturer now.
I see you set the connecting lead for the shop line ,note orange circle, so I’ll be watching for updates along with Bill.

In all seriousness, having on-line indoor storage where locomotives and complete trains can be stored is a huge advantage. Makes getting a train out easy and fun Vs a chore. With a railroad that big, on-line storage as almost required.
No Bill. I’m looking at his drawing to which I added a yellow line from his now possible railroad extension plans that goes into his recently erected workshop
Hollywood, thanks for your inspiration! It’s very helpful!
Yes, now I have the track to make it that far! (And to the corner grocery store for that matter, haha!).
The problem is elevation. At that level, the track could indeed come across on the new deck in front of the shed. But, it would be at floor level in the shed, and that wouldn’t work. And bringing track in from the upper level would force a bridge to be built along the deck – a big leaf trap, and a challenge for gate design. Either way, making a track wall in the shed would force the ejection of features already there; I honestly didn’t plan for that in this little shed.
Even so, I completely agree with you and Jon about (as Jon says) “on-line storage.” To that point, I do have an enclosed yard under the deck for the upper level. And for the lower expansion level, the plan is to make a large shelf beneath what we call the tower-deck.
In the below image, the dark material is existing on the tower-deck, and the shelf would support the new lower yard. I haven’t figured out yet how this shelf-yard will be protected from the elements, but I’m working on it.
Bill, thanks, and I’m not trying to ignore you of course. Very creative! And in past years, ironically I did plan a hypothetical route from that shelf out through that window! The elevational change to get down the shed would be tough… But I was thinking to punch the track out the wall at ground level (somewhere along that outside stairway) and take it up to a new big pond representing Lake Tahoe, and the (V&T-owned) lumber industry there. Which, from my historical point of view, is the route the V&T should have taken in the first place, but I’ll not bore you with the details of that historical potentiality.
Hey Blue Tarps work well
Shades that you can raise or lower